Any contribution regarding sitemaps are still acceptable, even if priority is more on MainUI.
I even do not reject the idea to contribute myself to BasicUI.
I also try to maintain BasicUI when i have the skills to do it.
I could have a look, it is an interesting feature and I do not see immediately why it would be so difficult to implement.
Maybe simply a new icon provider?
Where’s the point of iconify then? It’s in Main UI as an item option.
As you say you are using Main UI you should import your .items one-time rather than continue maintaining them
Everyone has the choice between UI or files for items.
Power users (more technical users) would certainly prefer keeping items in files because there are some advantages to that option.
According to docs it looks like items file format is:
// general syntax
Type Name "Label" <icon>
// example
Switch Livingroom_Light "Livingroom Ceiling Light" <switch>
From what I remember icons are looked up in backend through IconProviders and “classic” is one of them, notably a default icon provider which is always enabled.
So bringing a new icon provider and new set of icons through openahb core is possible. If one would hold a beer… maybe not for me but maybe for @Lolodomo
Looking a little more what is iconify, I understand now that a new icon provider is probably not the right option. It is more the UI page that must be updated to use these online icons. So this would be more an enhancement to do in BasicUI. And we could probably use the existing “icon” attribute of the sitemap element to specific this icon (small change in core framework probably required to be backward compatible with all existing sitemap UIs).
That way, the iconify icon will not be assigned to an item but to a sitemap element.
Using the item category from the item definition to specifiy an icon would have certainly more impacts as the item category is certainly for UI rendering but also for other usages. And an item category is not exactly an icon.
Concerning the iconify icons, it sort of half way works already. If you know the name of the Item already you can enter that for the Category in MainUI and it’ll let you use it (e.g. f7:power). However it won’t show up everywhere it needs to. So it might not be as much work to make it work than it first appears.
There was a recent thread on this which I can’t seem to find at the moment.
However, I think one of the challenges is these Icons come with a default color (e.g. black) and in MainUI one would use a color field to select the desired color (or an expression to set the color based on some condition). I’m not sure how useful it would be to have all black icons for the categories and adding the ability to choose the color will become a significant;y bigger job.
My wish is to specify icons in .items files that will then be used in the MainUI.
My MainUI is driven by the semantic groups defined in .items files, so everything under Locations, Equipment and Properties in the MainUI is automatically populated.
I’ve made offline iconify iconset which contains only below iconsets:
Material Symbols, iconset material-symbols
Google Material Icons, iconset ic
Material Design Icons, iconset mdi
Remix Icon, iconset ri
Carbon, iconset carbon
Unicons, iconset uil
MingCute Icon, iconset mingcute
Memory Icons, iconset memory
Unicons Monochrome, iconset uim
Unicons Thin Line, iconset uit
Unicons Solid, iconset uis
IconPark Outline, iconset icon-park-outline
IconPark Solid, iconset icon-park-solid
IconPark TwoTone, iconset icon-park-twotone
IconPark, iconset icon-park
(they are licensed under Apache and fit into “general” category).
Attached link is ~30 megs, so it may slow down startup of your system ;-).
Icons are available via two paths: /icon/baseline_1k.svg?iconset=ic, in schematic it is <icon>.svg?<icon-set>, or using classic iconset with scheme <icon-set>-<icon>.svg.
If you request icon containing _ it will be replaced with -. Assuming above example of baseline_1k or ic_baseline_1k final icon request will be baseline-1k or ic-baseline-1k.
This is due to two facts first 1) special meaning of dash for dynamic icons, 2) assumption that classic is default iconset (its hard to override it through UI config).
There is nothing related to Items that you cannot define in a .items file and have it work exactly like it does in MainUI. You point out would be the same as setting the icon to “iconify:material-symbols:battery-horiz-000” which you can do in MainUI too. And if you did that, it would work/not work in exactly the same ways.
I’ve got another one. I would love to be able to configure the period of the oh-charts in widgets with a formula or reference to props. Now I’m making copies “xx_h”, “xx_2h” and so on. So
- context: String
label: period
name: period
type: TEXT
- component: oh-chart
period: = props.period
or period: "= props.period=='day' ? 'd' : 'h' "