openHAB 4.1 Fronius Binding

I just upgraded from openHAB 3.4.4 to 4.1.
I have noticed 2 changes with the Fronious binding even though there’s been no change in my configuration.

The first is that the binging channel “inverterdatachanneluac” reports the AC Voltage as zero after 8pm and then it’s OK the next morning once the invertor starts up again. The inverter is still awake during the night so I can read data from my smart meter. The reason this new behaviour doesn’t work for me is that I use this channel to keep a record of the Max & Min values of the AC Voltage.

my item config is

Number AC_Voltage "AC voltage" <voltage> (gFronius, ACVoltage) ["Measurement", "Voltage"]  { channel="fronius:powerinverter:mybridge:myinverter:inverterdatachanneluac" }

The other changed behaviour is log files. Loggin used to the be reported as:

2023-08-16 23:59:20.933 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase1' changed from 241.9 to 241.8
2023-08-16 23:59:20.934 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase2' changed from 242.7 to 242.6
2023-08-16 23:59:20.934 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase3' changed from 241.7 to 242.1

Now it’s reported as:

2023-12-27 09:07:51.276 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase1' updated to 239.8 V
2023-12-27 09:07:51.276 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase1' changed from 240.6 V to 239.8 V
2023-12-27 09:07:51.276 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase2' updated to 245.9 V
2023-12-27 09:07:51.276 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase2' changed from 246.1 V to 245.9 V
2023-12-27 09:07:51.278 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase3' updated to 243.1 V
2023-12-27 09:07:51.278 - Item 'Meter_VoltagePhase3' changed from 242.5 V to 243.1 V

Is anyone aware of any changes to either the Fronius Binding or changes to openHAB?

Many thanks!

You probably did not update the new lines in your log4j2.xml:

@sihui Thank you. My log4j2.xml did get overwritten during the upgrade. I’ve added in the 2 extra lines and it works. Less clutter in now in my log files :slight_smile: