Since OH4.2M4
I followed the tutorial Displaying the weather forecast with charts (OpenWeatherMap) - #5 by florian-h05
created a thing
Bridge openweathermap:weather-api:api "OpenWeatherMap Account" [apiVersion="3.0", apikey="apikey", language="de"] {
Thing weather-and-forecast smarthome "Smarthome Weather And Forecast" [location="mylocationis hidden"]
than created items
Number:Temperature OneCall_Forecast_Hourly_Temperature "Temperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gOWM_TimeSeries) {channel="openweathermap:weather-and-forecast:api:smarthome:forecastHourly#temperature"}
but see in the ui unlinked item (see attached) I than thought to change it to a ui created thing and changed the item to
Number:Temperature OneCall_Forecast_Hourly_Temperature "Temperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gOWM_TimeSeries) {channel="openweathermap:weather-and-forecast:456c607133:f56a6adab0:forecastHourly#temperature"}
Now I see to unlinked channels see attached pictures…
the old link is only deleted if i clean the cache.
How can I configure the openweather thing correctly?