openHAB 4.2 Release Discussion

I have some difficulties when trying to upgrade 4.2.0M2 to 4.2.1 under Windows 11. I have used command update -openhab -OHversion 4.2.1 but I get the following error message (see the screencopy below). Any ideas?

Marketplace bindings are currently uninstalled after each update. Not sure if that relates to all or just a few bindings. So, yes it is a behaviour that many/all of us are facing, but I doubt it is a feature.

I think this is required, because a marketplace binding is build for a specific version of openHAB and when you upgrade openHAB, there could be a version mismatch that causes the binding to stop working.

So, either things would definitely break because the binding isn’t loaded, or things may break if the binding is incompatible.


It looks like your syntax is incorrect, should be:

cd C:\openHAB
. .\runtime\bin\update.ps1
Update-openHAB -OHVersion 4.2.1

Note: Update-openHAB has no spaces

Aha, I didn’t know that. Is there an easy way of logging/listing the bindings that are installed prior to an upgrade (or better yet, the bindings that will automatically be uninstalled), so one can easily check which bindings he needs to reinstall?

Or maybe that’s a nice feature for the future? :wink:

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Thanks but if I type in the bin folder

update.ps1 Update-openHAB -OHVersion 4.2.1

it just opens up update.ps1 text file and upgrading doesn’t start. Therefore in the past I have done upgrading just by typing

update -OHVersion x.x.x

but now this doesn’t work.

Have you checked:

You also see to have a missing. Command is:

Update-openHAB -OHVersion 4.2.1

For some reason I don’t understand at all the commands:

cd C:\openHAB
. .\runtime\bin\update.ps1
Update-openHAB -OHVersion 4.2.1

update.ps1 just opens up a text file and nothing happens.

Only way to make the upgrade working was to type in the bin folder:

update.bat 4.2.1

Did you try to run update.ps1 in PowerShell ?

OK, now I understand my mistake; I have been really blind. I have been trying to use Command prompt instead of the Power Shell. Can’t test this now because I managed to make the upgrade. Many thanks for your help.


Got it. Personally I would rather prefer no auto-removal. If there is a version mismatch, I would realize anyway as the binding will stop working.

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But then my initial reaction was to install the bindings again. So doesn’t that defeat the purpose? :wink:

Still the same issue with bindings not working in docker… Great!

Edit: It works if I download the offline .kar file. That’s OKAY but not ideal, as one then would have to update the file after each upgrade.

Well, finally upgraded from 4.1.3 to 4.2.1 after this fix! Semi-sweet :slight_smile:

The problem is that incompatible add-ons may prevent the installation of other add-ons. Assuming that the version constraints are properly set in the marketplace, you’ll either install a compatible version or not see the incompatible version.

Edit: compatible add-ons from the marketplace should be re-installed automatically. If that does not work, than it is a bug.

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It threw errors of connection errors to the binding-repo online. I’m not the only one with the error, if you read further up…

I updated my OH to the latest 4.2.1 (docker), but getting stuck on error on missing org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext/2.32.0

As far as I can see it is missing from jfrog. So not a server hickup or something.
Any suggestion on how to get going?

09:32:46.830 [DEBUG] [internal.impl.DefaultArtifactResolver] - Resolving artifact org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.util:jar:2.32.0 from []
09:32:46.830 [DEBUG] [l.impl.DefaultLocalRepositoryProvider] - Using manager PaxLocalRepositoryManager with priority 0.0 for /openhab/userdata/tmp/mvn
09:32:46.831 [DEBUG] [internal.impl.DefaultArtifactResolver] - Resolving artifact org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.util:jar:2.32.0 from [openhab (, default, releases), openhab (, default, releases+snapshots)]
09:32:46.832 [DEBUG] [ernal.impl.DefaultTransporterProvider] - Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
09:32:46.832 [DEBUG] [pl.DefaultRepositoryConnectorProvider] - Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for
09:32:46.943 [DEBUG] [ernal.impl.DefaultTransporterProvider] - Using transporter WagonTransporter with priority -1.0 for
09:32:46.944 [DEBUG] [pl.DefaultRepositoryConnectorProvider] - Using connector BasicRepositoryConnector with priority 0.0 for
09:32:47.059 [ERROR] [.core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-hue, openhab-voice-voicerss, openhab-core-config-discovery-addon-mdns, openhab-core-config-discovery-addon-upnp, openhab-core-config-discovery-addon-sddp, openhab-persistence-influxdb, openhab-automation-jrubyscripting, openhab-binding-max, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-automation-jsscripting, openhab-binding-zwave, openhab-binding-miio, openhab-automation-jythonscripting, openhab-binding-mqtt, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-binding-windcentrale, openhab-binding-solaredge, openhab-binding-ntp, openhab-core-config-discovery-addon-usb, openhab-binding-onkyo, openhab-core-config-discovery-addon-ip': Error:
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext/2.32.0
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.smap/2.32.0
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib/2.32.0
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase/2.32.0
        Error downloading
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.common.types/2.32.0
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro/2.32.0
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.lib/2.32.0
        Error downloading mvn:org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.util/2.32.0
09:32:47.067 [DEBUG] [internal.impl.DefaultArtifactResolver] - Resolving artifact org.openhab.addons.bundles:org.openhab.binding.philipsair:xml:features:4.1.2 f

answering my own post… I added to the repository list in openhab/userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg and this got the install going again…

org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories =,,

Hi, would like to report that in DSL rules, sharedCache and privateCache don’t work. Not sure if it’s introduced in 4.2.x as I never used them before. I find them still in the documentation, however OH complains the name cannot be resolved. I started a thread below:

Anybody experiences the same?