OpenHAB 4.3.2 restart resets InfluxDb Persistence Values

I have an openhabian installation running 4.3.2
8GB Ram
Since upgrading to 4.3.2 it appears that my influxDb settings for the persistence service are reset whenever the system restarts.

There are two issues that result from this:

  1. the persistence to Influx does not work
  2. the system consumes an ever increasing amount of heap memory until the openHAB system restarts again.

This continues until i correct the influxdb persistence settings.

My settings for the persistenace of Influx is to an external (non openhabian( influx v2 instance nd they are always reset to the default openhabian based influx defaults (although the secret is always maintained correctly)
I cannot say (yet) why the restarts happened (the first could have been a manual restart but the second was an automatic openHAB restart. In both cases the RPi stayed running as can be seen from the graph.

I As yet I have not investigated through the logs but will do so in the next few days and report back

I am monitoring the heap usage of the RPI through a the sysinfo and the JVM uptime from a rule into a openHAB variable if this info is needed as well

If I can help with debugging this please let me know additional info needed.
For clarity the Blue is the Heap Usage of the JVM and the green is the uptime of the JVM.

Ok there is nothing noteworthy in the log files to indicate changes to the server URL username, password, organization so it appears it is not being saved to the server even though it says saved and it works (until the next reboot) if this is not known behavior should i log a bug?

This is definitely an issue with either the openHAB or openhabian.

It seems that like the other thread the openhabian system had an config (etc/openhab/services/influxdb.cfg) that I can only assume was left over from a (UI) based configuration of the InfluxDb Persistence that I did first on openhabian. I have removed the file from that folder completely

And now on restart (of openHAB) the correct influxdb persistence settings as they should be set in the UI are maintained. I believe that this is an incorrect configuration of the influx persistence service is stored in the file by the openhabian-config of the influx service.

There is obviously still the secondary issue of memory leak with the influx persistence service that should probably be logged as a bug if you could advise where to do that.