Hmm, some issues with Hue binding after updating from OH 4.2.3. I define everything in .things file and use bridge-api2 like this:
Bridge hue:bridge-api2:001788fffea7e2a6 "HueBridge" [ ipAddress="", applicationKey="xyz" ] {
Thing hue:device:001788fffea7e2a6:fce7c646-80e8-4ea5-9563-cc66558e7e43 "StaircaseMotion" [resourceId="fce7c646-80e8-4ea5-9563-cc66558e7e43"]
Bridge thing says:
2024-12-17 21:39:05.783 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'hue:bridge-api2:001788fffea7e2a6' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
2024-12-17 21:39:05.790 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'hue:bridge-api2:001788fffea7e2a6' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
2024-12-17 21:39:05.937 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'hue:bridge-api2:001788fffea7e2a6' changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): An unexpected exception occurred: Error opening HTTP/2 session -> java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Client ALPNProcessors!
Same issue if I add Bridge via UI.
Perhaps pax-web-jetty-http2-jdk9 feature was again removed like in #3814. (openHAB 4.1 Milestone discussion - #44 by wborn)