Openhab App doesnt work on mobile data?

I have strange problem… Openhab App doesn’t work on mobile data. It asked to turn Wi-Fi. As a result when I’m using mobile data, then I can’t receive any notifications etc.
Can you please help me to understand how to use Openhab App on mobile data?
p.s. I tried to find info on this forum, but it’s a pity didn’t see any similar topic

What version of openhab are you running, what app version are you using? What is exactly not working (sitemaps, notification, mainui, all of this)?
When do you receive the error message (when opening the app, when configuring a server)? How is your server connection within the app configured? Is “please turn on wifi” the real error message or what exactly is the app showing?

thank you for reply
Openhabian (Openhab) 3.1.0 - Release Build
The Android App is the last version Openhab 2.22.0
When I turned WiFi off on my smartphone - and switched to Mobile Data: I can see just single message “Wi-Fi is turned off” and button “Turn On Wi-Fi”
I can access setting of Openhab app only.
App is configured for remote access through

Thanks for sharing.

I only get this message permanently if I completely turn off all data (wifi and mobile).

When switching from wifi to mobile the message if only visible for a second until mobile data is turned off

Have you already tried the basics to restart phone / app?
Is there a difference if you turn off wifi prior to opening the app vs while the app if open?

Within the settings there is also a log file. Maybe worth to share for others to get insights

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OK I found an issue with my mobile operator.
I don’t know why it was blocked and app didn’t have access to the Internet. I tried another operator and it works.

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