openHAB Cloud connection refused. "onRequestFailure"

I’m trying to get the openHAB cloud connector working with my fresh install of OH3, but I get the error “openHAB connection error: Connection refused” when accessing The attempted connection shows up in my frontail log, so I don’t think it’s a port/firewall issue. Here’s the trace log I’m seeing:

2022-12-11 20:17:19.036 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
2022-12-11 20:17:19.038 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 46196454
2022-12-11 20:17:19.039 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /
2022-12-11 20:17:19.040 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method GET
2022-12-11 20:17:19.041 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {"sec-fetch-mode":"navigate","referer":"","sec-fetch-site":"same-site","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","upgrade-insecure-requests":"1","host":"","sec-fetch-user":"?1","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","user-agent":"openhab-cloud/0.0.1","accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8","sec-fetch-dest":"document"}
2022-12-11 20:17:19.042 [TRACE] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Body 
2022-12-11 20:17:19.042 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query null
2022-12-11 20:17:19.043 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is GET
2022-12-11 20:17:19.043 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-mode = navigate
2022-12-11 20:17:19.043 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header referer =
2022-12-11 20:17:19.043 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-site = same-site
2022-12-11 20:17:19.043 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = en-US,en;q=0.5
2022-12-11 20:17:19.043 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header upgrade-insecure-requests = 1
2022-12-11 20:17:19.044 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
2022-12-11 20:17:19.044 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-user = ?1
2022-12-11 20:17:19.044 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
2022-12-11 20:17:19.044 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
2022-12-11 20:17:19.044 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
2022-12-11 20:17:19.044 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-dest = document
2022-12-11 20:17:19.045 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onRequestFailure: 46196454,  Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.046 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onComplete: 46196454
2022-12-11 20:17:19.047 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty request 46196454 failed: Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.047 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request Failure: Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.047 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Response Failure: Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.047 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Finished responding to request 46196454
2022-12-11 20:17:19.199 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
2022-12-11 20:17:19.200 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 46196457
2022-12-11 20:17:19.201 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /
2022-12-11 20:17:19.202 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method GET
2022-12-11 20:17:19.203 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {"sec-fetch-mode":"navigate","referer":"","sec-fetch-site":"same-site","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","upgrade-insecure-requests":"1","host":"","sec-fetch-user":"?1","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","user-agent":"openhab-cloud/0.0.1","accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8","sec-fetch-dest":"document"}
2022-12-11 20:17:19.204 [TRACE] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Body 
2022-12-11 20:17:19.205 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query null
2022-12-11 20:17:19.206 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is GET
2022-12-11 20:17:19.207 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-mode = navigate
2022-12-11 20:17:19.208 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header referer =
2022-12-11 20:17:19.209 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-site = same-site
2022-12-11 20:17:19.210 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = en-US,en;q=0.5
2022-12-11 20:17:19.210 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header upgrade-insecure-requests = 1
2022-12-11 20:17:19.211 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
2022-12-11 20:17:19.212 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-user = ?1
2022-12-11 20:17:19.213 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
2022-12-11 20:17:19.214 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
2022-12-11 20:17:19.215 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
2022-12-11 20:17:19.215 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-dest = document
2022-12-11 20:17:19.220 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onRequestFailure: 46196457,  Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.221 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onComplete: 46196457
2022-12-11 20:17:19.224 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty request 46196457 failed: Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.225 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request Failure: Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.226 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Response Failure: Connection refused
2022-12-11 20:17:19.227 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Finished responding to request 46196457

did you change your secret on the cloud connector?

Yes, I updated the UUID from /var/lib/openhab/uuid and the secret from /var/lib/openhab/openhabcloud/secret. It seems like it’s partially connected because it says the system is online and at least one log message seems to indicate it connected (see below).

I think the problem is that openhab isn’t listening on http://localhost:8080 and instead only listens on Running sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN | grep 8080 shows that localhost is not being monitored.

java 70476 openhab 103u IPv4 668443 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)

Additionally, the sudo systemctl status openhab.service shows that the system is arping on the wrong interface? 755950 arping -w 5 -C 1 -i virbr0

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

I finally found the issue… /var/lib/openhab/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg was setup to only listen on my IP. I changed address to be org.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses =,, where x’s are my IP.

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