I am using openhab in remote location where only mobile internet os accessible. Recently i found out, that openhab is sending a lot of data to the cloud. When i change option in the openhab cloud settings to only notifocatins and restart openhab, then nothing is sending anymore. But whenever I will switch to data and notifications and open android app, then in the logs i can find a lot of information, that openhab cloud is sending data. This never stops, unless i restart the openhab. Why android app is not closing the connection or what reason could lead to this situation? There is not much to configure.
Because there are two connections involved here.
openHAB <--> openHAB Cloud <--> Android App
Opening and closing the app only change the right hand connection. It does nothing on the left side.
Furthermore, it’s openHAB that initiates the connection on the left side and openHAB doesn’t know whether there is something connected on the right side or not. So it forwards the event bus to the Cloud all the time. It can’t do otherwise as currently implemented.
Is there any solution to limit data sent to the cloud?
As @rlkoshak already described, no.
But why on one openhab server it`s stoping sending data after few seconds and on the other, not?
Did you mention this before ? Did not see it.
Are both configured the same ? Remote control and notifications ? Or is there a difference?
Both have control and notification turned on. Those are two servers for different locations with different number of items. Maybe the problem is with refresh rate of some items. And this block possibility to stop the connection.