Openhab cloud, push notifications not working

Thanks for the feedback, i’ll do some debugging this weekend, and will restart services to get it working again until i can figure out what the long term fix is.

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A bit late to this game, but I tried the push notification test (username-devices-send message) and I did NOT receive the message.

That’s likely a different issue, i would verify the mobile app is configured correctly to use the cloud service and you are selecting the right IOS device (there are often stale entries listed)

In my case, the IOS app seems to otherwise be working perfectly well (both when locally connected and remotely). it’s just the notifications that are missing.

I have the same outage again since about 3 or 4 days - as well as the last time notifications work for android but not for IOS. Test message is working in my case.

Works again for me :+1:

For me too. Thx!

Hi Dan,

sending messages from my OH stopped again today. It’s working from the cloud web interface.

The message send from my OH system shows up in the OH app under “Benachrichtigungen” but not in the “Mitteilungszentrale”. The message send from the cloud instance shows up in the “Mitteilungszentrale” but not in the app.

Hope that helps.

I am having a similar issue that seems to have become a recurrent problem for iOS. It’s been a day or two now that I have lost notifications on my iPhone/iPad. As with recent past occurrences of this issue, the notification is listed in the iOS app, it just never fires a notification on the device. Whatever @digitaldan did 10-12 days ago fixed the problem until now.

Thanks for the heads up, i’ll take a look today.


Hi everyone, I also have the same problem.For a few days I am not receiving notifications on iOS.
The test message from myopenhab works.
The notifications from openHab arrive in the notification list but not in Push.
The service is correctly configured and from CloudConnector debug the notifications start.

Hi there

I’m experiencing the same behaviour. I do receive notifications from the cloud web interface but no notification from my rules/system. Startet tuesday, May 7.

Hi everyone, for me the same since a couple of days. The notifications are received by the app (via the cloud), but I don’t get a push notification on my iPhone. I’ve reinstalled the app to reinitialize the notification settings from iOS, but no luck.

Same Problem again here

Hi everyone
A few minutes ago, the service started working as expected. So at the moment it’s working for me.

Hi, now the service is working normally again. Thanks @digitaldan !

Working here as well.

Fyi, i am looking this, i need to add a whole lot more logging in production to understand whats going on, probably this weekend. Obviously restarting services every week or two is not a long term solution !

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Thanks! It’s working again! Restarting the service is indeed not a permanent solution…