Openhab Cloud service using on two different RPIs with the same cloud account?


i would like to use the same openhab Cloud account for two different RPIs with different Openhab systems.

is this possible?

You can try it by using the same UUID and Secret in both RPI’s. This is the only way I think it would work as opencloud only allows one UUID and Secret entry.

Location of UUID and Secret:

Related -

i tried it with the same




, but i can see only one RPI Openhab system :frowning:

My solution is to use different accounts for each site, and use the ‘Openhab’ and ‘Openhab Beta’ apps for each site to allow both to be controlled from the same phone. Clunky, but it works.

thank you. i think i would do the same.

Hop this will be fixed in the future.

do you also try HomeHabit? there it should also be possible to add two accounts

This is a feature request, not a “fix”. It’s a limitation of the app, rather than repairing broken functionality.

More importantly, it’s a work in progress by the app developers:

that would be great :slight_smile:

i can’t wait to try it

Hi Hannes,

No, I’d never heard of HomeHabit - having seen the price of the In App Purchases, I’ll stick to the Openhab app :slight_smile:
