openHAB Google Assistant Integration v2.0

I have no idea who he is. He probably did this tool just to help, and therefore have no interest in doing any harm. But I´m getting worried when someone ask for username and pw, even for a tool like that.
At least thats my opinion.

I agree. I changed my password, ran the tool, then changed it back. The tool really helped me get my issues fixed. Obviously, there is a risk anytime you share a password so act accordingly… :face_with_monocle:

Hi Michi,

thank you for the reply. Not what I hoped to hear, but expected :wink: .In my case it is only one room which one light, so I can handle it as it is right now with different names.


Can anyone confirm wether the camera tag works with the google assistant integration in a danish google assistant (Google Home) setup?

I have been struggling with this for a few days, and I simply cant get it to work. I´m using the ipcamera binding for my cameras, but I´m almost sure, this is not a binding setup issue.

As far as I can read elsewhere, Google Nest Hello devices (Google cams) are working just fine using danish Google Home setup. So I would assume the ga=camera tag should be working as well. But when I try asking google to “show frontdoor” or anything simular in danish, Google respons is:
Something went wrong, I cant control you Google device right now”. (translated from danish to english).

In the ipcamera binding there is a swich which is activating when a device ask for the streaming. This switch does NOT turn on when I ask though Google. But if I start the streaming from Microsoft Edge, the switch turns on, and the streaming starts just fine.
That tells me, the command for Google “show frontdoor” never gets through to openhab/the binding, when using Google Home devices and the camera tag. And therefore its most probably a Google issue.
Using english Google Assistant setup this is not an issue at all. On their openhab system, the switch activates, and the streaming start just fine when the ask their Home/Nest hubs to “show cameraname”.

Thats why I ask if anyone can confirm, the GA integration using the camera tag do not work for the danish language (or maybe even other languages as well except english).

This is my items:

String Dahua1ForHub     "hovedindgang forhaven"     { channel="ipcamera:DAHUA:DAHUA1:hlsUrl", ga="Camera" [ protocols="hls" ] }

The icon appear fine in the Google Home app… I just cant control it in anyway without getting the error respons mentioned above :frowning:

Btw… Synonyms doest not seem to work. I tried adding a few synonyms to the item, but everytime I used any of the synonyms, Google thought I was searching for something, and did a search on the internet insted. Using the label will result in the mentioned error above.

Works perfectly fine in swedish.

AARGH!!! :scream:

This is really getting on my nerves now… Waiting for someone using danish who can confirm… But I´m afraid if it works in swedish, then it problem should work in danish as well… But for some reason, not on my system. And I dont know where to look or how to fix/troubleshoot.

OK. I am obviously missing something with the new tags. Thermostat worked before the 2.0 and for a bit after but now I can’t get it to work. It shows up in the home app but it always shows as “offline” or in “other” mode and cannot be controlled. It works fine thru paperui.
Here is my current item file. can somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong? I only have the cooling side in there right now for troubleshooting. I have no problem having heat and cool on separate controls if needed ( had to before 2.0) but would like them on the same if possible. Thanks in advance!

The command to show a camera on the nest hub is “stream cameraname”, in swedish “strömma kameranamn”. If you ask it to “show cameraname” you will get that error message you wrote earlier.

So try “strøm hoveddør”. Or what it might be in Danish…

We havn´t got a clear translate from stream in danish. Stream will actually translate to “strøm”, which means “current or float” in english.
I tried anyway. “stream” and “strøm” - I end up with the “sorry dont know how to help you with that”.

According to the official danish Google Assistant doc, I should be using “View cameraname” or “Show camera name” which translated to danish means “Vis kameranavn”. And this is where I get the very unusual respons, "Something went wrong… ".

I´m very frustrated about where or how to troubleshoot this one…
Is it the ffmpeg settings in the ipcamera binding, which for some reason isnt GA compatible. Or is it an openhab GA integration. Or is it a Google Assistant API issue.
If I had a Google Nest camera connected directly to the Google Home app, it would be working just fine in danish using the “vis kameranavn”.

I´m simply running out of ideas :frowning:

Hi, looking at your items file it shows that your modes item is of type Number but you are mapping to String values in your modes configuration:


It should be more like heat=1,off=0
or change your item type if you expect string values.

I have tried both in the past - before v2 it wouldn’t work at all with string - but I’ll try again with string when I get home. Is there any other issues that stood out? And I think to add the heating setpoint (they are separate setpoints on the same thermostat) I would use [temperaturesetpointlow] for heat and [temperaturesetpointhigh] for the cooling setpoint or do I use something else? Or do I need to expose them as separate thermostats?

After changing to string it allows me to control but when I first open it it claims to be in “other” mode and only after telling it to change mode to “cool” (which it actually already is in) will it let me control. Interestingly I can control via voice.

Seems like I have moved one big step forward a “reason”…
My streaming is working just fine. But only if I pick up my phone, start the Google Assistant and tell Google to “show (cameraname) on (device)” Then my home hub will start streaming just fine.

But if I aks the home hub to “show (cameraname)” I get the above error, “something went wrong…”

Its highly strange… But at least I no longer have to deal with the videoformat beeing wrong!

Yes. The handling changed a lot for Thermostats. Before the new version only numbers were supported.

Could you tell me what exact state your mode item was before you changed it to “cool” and what value it has been assigned to afterwards?

For the separate set points you can assign both thermostatTemperatureSetpointHigh and thermostatTemperatureSetpointLow as numbers to the same thermostat group.

Google shows it as “other” but paperui shows “cool” as expected. The thermostat itself also shows cool. And trying to add the two setpoints seems to break it completely. I assume the “low” setpoint goes on the heat and vice versa? Since that’s the lowest I want the temperature to be?

How is your mode attribute configured now? Please also be aware of case sensitivity. E.g. “Cool” is not equal to “cool”…

I really do not know how thermostats with two setpoint temperatures work, so I can not answer how to configure those items. I just implemented it like the documentation on Google’s side states it.

I have integrated Google Assistant yesterday for the first time and I have encountered a Bug (I can’t see the feature).

I have multiple lights in my sleeping room controled via hmip actors (RaspberyMatic CCU) and one Phillips Hue light. Obviously I have added both as Items witch looks like that:

Dimmer          Bedroom_CeilingLight       "Deckenlicht [%d %%]"                <light>           (Bedroom, gLight)              ["Lighting"]                       {channel="homematic:HmIP-FDT:xxx:xxx:2#LEVEL", ga="Light" [roomHint="Schlafzimmer"]}
Color           Bedroom_Light_2_color      "Schranklicht Farbe"                 <colorpicker>     (Bedroom)                      ["Lighting"]                       {channel="hue:0210:ecb5fa1ae198:1:color"}
Dimmer          Bedroom_Light_2_dimmer     "Schranklicht Farbtemeratur"         <light>           (Bedroom)                      ["Lighting"]                       {channel="hue:0210:ecb5fa1ae198:1:color_temperature"}

The first dimmer light works great and appears as expected in my Google Home View. The second and third should not be in Google Home. I have also not tagged them on purpose. Additionally I have 2 other lights in other rooms that also appear in Google Home, but are not tagged and I don’t want to have them there.

What can I do, to exclude them? I have expected that only explicit tagged items are published to Google.

Thanks for your help in advance!

They are…
Could you show us the items which is presented in Google, but not having any GA tags?

To clarify @Kim_Andersen’s comment, you have Lighting tags in all of your items. This is the original method of sharing items with Google Assistant, and it still works. So the first item is exposed to GA via your ga="Light" metadata, and the other two are exposed via the tags. You have to remove the tags from the 2nd and 3rd item to remove them from GA.

Are you also using the items with Alexa?

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