openHAB Google Assistant v4 - Release scheduled

Dear users of the openHAB Google Assistant integration,

I am very sorry for the unplanned long delay in the roll-out plan for the announced new version of the openHAB Google Assistant integration.

We have now had more than enough time to gather feedback and even implement an intermediate compatibility version that allows users to adjust their configuration already.

Since no hard blockers have been mentioned, I’ll just set a date now and schedule the release:


To be well prepared for the release, please take a look at Migration Guide and check your configuration against the new constraints.

If major problems occur, we will also have the opportunity to roll-back the changes.

In any case, please participate in the Discussion: openHAB Google Assistant v4 - Breaking changes incoming to clarify questions.

Thanks a lot.


Update is rolled out. :partying_face:

Please report any issues in Discussion: openHAB Google Assistant v4 - Breaking changes incoming or directly at Issues · openhab/openhab-google-assistant · GitHub