OpenHAB IFTTT Gateway without


Since july 2019, do not allow to expose new items to IFTTT.

So I had to make my own IFTTT gateway to use IFTTT Webhooks in both way (OpenHAB to IFTTT and IFTTT to Openhab).

It’s a very simple project who allow to expose only some Items to IFTTT for security purpose and not all the OpenHAB Rest API.

You can see my project here :

It’s a very easy way to have two String Item (IFTTT_IN / IFTTT_OUT)

I hope it will help some of you.


Or you could have set up your own openhab gateway using the code from GitHub


Did you mean “my own openhab-cloud instance” ? or something else ?

Yes of course, it was my first option, but I also use Google Assistant (working out of the box with … and to make a personnal openhab-cloud with google assitant / alexa working was very complex …

So I search a simple way to expose only some items to IFTTT (with some security concern) , and didn’t find one, so I did this (check the code only few lines).

And more, this gateway does not need openhab-cloud nor

Very easy/simple to use and light (I am running it on my RPI3 with openhab)

By the way, I am sure it can help someone with the same need I had.

Yes, that is what I meant. I have not used wither of these cloud services though, personally.