I tried my first steps on openHAB with my Philips Hue, Logitech Harmony and Sonos devices.
The easy setup is working fine. Thanks for that!
Now I am struggling with the QNAP installation of openHAB in a different folder as explained (Creating a share called “openHAB2” or Creating a folder called “openHAB2” inside the “Public” share).
I don’t know how I can change the directories (addons, conf, userdata) or how this different installation works so that I can use Eclipse directly on a shared folder.
The only way I get openHAB running is the third one with the .qpkg file.
I would be nice if someone could help me with my problem.
Create a shared folder “openHAB2” via the QNAP webinterface.
Create a user (openhab) and group (openhab) in the QNAP webinterface.
The “adduser” command ( adduser --system --no-create-home --group --disabled-login openhab) did not worked on the QNAP console.
Add the user to the group and and give read/write access to the “openHAB2” folder via the webinterface.
Login via putty SSH to the QNAP, and switch to the openHAB2 folder.
You can add a network share on your computer for the QNAP openHAB2 folder.
I have to say that I don’t know how I can start “my” openHAB2 installation as a service but I can edit and test the items/things/sitemaps etc. files directly, now.
I’ve released a QPKG for openHAB 2.2.0 But the drawback is currently that you need to make a clean installation.
So if you are experienced with openHAB, you probably find an efficient way to update and could report it either here or in the github repo QPKG releases
I use the Container Station of qnap qts 4.3.4 and installed openhab2 as a docker.
Pretty easy, just go to the settings inside the container, expand the advanced settings and eventually find the path to shared folder in the left menu. I use Visual Studio Code for editing the files.
have fun