openHAB Logo Update

To me the logo looks like an old iOS app icon. The android app ( and already got an update to the icon, so I think we should update the logo.
Two quickly created drafts:

Note that we cannot use the exact same icon for everything. There are different design guidlines on different platforms

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I like very much the openHAB logo used in the Android App icon (looks great on my blue background :slight_smile:) :


I think a Logo with explicit Background is in general an improvement.


Seems that transparent backgrounds are still sometimes a problem,
even in 2017. :smiley:

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How about something like this?


It’s very clean and I like the font choices. In my opinion, I’m just not sure that a drastic change in logo icon is necessary.

For certain though, the HAB in openHAB needs to be capitalised. It’s an acronym that stands for “Home Automation Bus”

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It would be no good to design a new logo. The openHAB logo is great and the used font is also unique, modern with it’s own character. Nothing to change here. But the use of colors needs a little retouching in an “evolutionary style”. Stick to the form of the logo, the font and the colors. Everything else would be a rebrand, that I would try to avoid at all cost. :slight_smile:

Something like that should do:



You beat me to it, I really like the look of that!, meanwhile I was trying something similar but yours has the better effect (I don’t have any fonts suitable for logos):

Fun fact: When I was looking for smarthome solutions I thought i’d better try all the open source solutions, I tried openHAB first simply because the logo was orange (my favourite colour). :wink: In the end it turned out to be the best solution for me regardless of logo though.

@pmpkk I love the color scheme :slight_smile:

@normaniac Nice!
It might be controversial, but how about removing those three rectangles / dots from the bottom? :wink:

I also really like the “muted” oragne color that’s visible in the screenshot from @Dim.
Looks more sleek IMO.

Just my 3 cents.
Lots of creativity in this thread! :clap:

I tried to remove the dots in favor of a straight line underneath the logo. Not sure about it, could look like that:


Alright, maybe my proposal was a bit too drastic :slight_smile:

How about a little more evolution? I personally think that the current icon (house with bow) looks a bit dated. But, design is a matter of taste, so nobody should be offended.


Any version with orange? :wink:

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Superb! Clean, minimal and looks at same time as “genuine” style logo.

Original colors:


I like the current logo shape but I am also a fan of the material design:
(of course… with orange color :slight_smile:)

I got these samples from: icon8

edit: I like @pmpkk 's ideas :slight_smile: but the house icon should be more “visible/distinct” (not to be confused with an arrow)

I really like the idea of having a background with some pattern, not only pure orange

I created it with
You have to upload the oh logo yourself and can play around

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It’s important to keep in mind, that a logo should also work if you don’t have any coloring options, like on a stamp. A logo is not defined by a “background with some pattern”. It should also work in black where any background pattern just won’t be visible. Don’t mix up an app icon with a logo.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to stick to a logo if there is no good reason to change it completely. Just out of a new trend, no icon should be thrown away so easily. Especially when the icon is established and broadly known!

Creating something new should only be done, if the old logo has major problems like a similarity to another logo or if the logo doesn’t represent the company/product in a right way (any longer)… A good example therefor is the original Apple Logo. Good thing that they changed it.

So, the openHAB-icon…

  • is unique
  • is learned
  • works with one color and with more colors
  • resembles the product in an absolutely perfect way: A house within an enclosing circle which represents the openHAB approach to speak to all the protocols and products in home automation. Everything in that house is covered by that circle. This just IS openHAB! (At least, that’s what I see in the logo! :slight_smile: @pmpkk’s last design draft also goes in that direction, but in my opinion too gentle and too subtle.)

And btw: Don’t change the font also. It’s a great choice: unique, good to read, modern, stands out.

But still I would tweak the logo a little. Make it look modern. Not every design trend has to be taken, but I’m pretty sure that the less polished and skeuomorphic design approach is here to stay. So go for it. Make it flat. Make it simple. Reduce the colors, define two or three design colors. Not only the logo will have a contemporary look and feel, it will look better on websites when used as a small logo picture. The shine through the middle of the icon loses it’s effect in smaller versions of the logo.

Keep in mind that creating a new logo or (almost worse) a change of the primary color could (and probably would) mean a lot of work: Change the logo/colors on the website(s), in the app(s), in openHAB itself, on the stationeries, stamps (if there are any),… There still will be the old logo in some places, it could confuse people. If there is only a tweaked logo, this process would not be so radical and it would be ok if somewhere an old logo ist still around. No one would be confused. It won’t hurt to exchange the logo everywhere gradually.



Thanks to everyone for voting and also thanks for all the creativity regarding potential logo updates!

I take the vote result as a signal that most people do not have a strong opinion (and rather do not worry much about it), but that many people also share the conception that it might be time for an update.

As I had mentioned here, I will follow up on this in the openHAB Foundation and first get all requirements sorted (we e.g. want at the same time a matching foundation logo, also “foundation member” and “openHAB compatible” logos, etc.). As it will be quite some work, we will also set out a price for the logo contest - we might go with a service like designonclick, which e.g. was also used for the Eclipse SmartHome logo and proved to be pretty useful. Once we have a campaign up, I will certainly also inform all openHAB community members here, so that all talented designers can participate in it. :slight_smile:


I think that we need a celebratory logo/image(?) for the build #1000 that is coming up soon :slight_smile:

Last stable build (#999), 10 hr ago 

Ah, you mean it is time to break the build :dizzy_face: