OpenHAB or not? (KNX, HUE...)

ok… let’s break it down to 2 separate parts which are “interconnected”:

  1. Rules
  2. UI Control

First, you should invest some time learning and using the rules engine to define static schedules to handle your automation scenarios.
Then, you should add another layer on top of the rules logic to be able to modify your rules from the UI. This is more advanced but doable. You will have to find a way to make the rule logic react to changes that happen to items managed via the UI.

I can’t help much with the second part (UI control of rules) since I usually set my automation scenarios in my rules using static models.
If I want to change the logic, I simply edit the rules file.
There is also: Node-RED as a rule/script engine for openHAB & Flows Builder - a visual designer for the new rules engine

For the first part (rules), check @rlkoshak’s tutorials and examples on Design Patterns, like:

Start small, create 1 rule that executes some commands to change your temp setpoints based on timeslots.

After you have a static schedule created in your rules (that sends 24° to the Bathroom KNX controlled heater at 6am, etc), you can start playing with UI displayed items to be able to modify both the temp setpoint to be send as welll as the time trigger.

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