Openhab souliss binding not controlling lyt8266 (help?)

[ I also posted this over on souliss google group ]


I recently got the souliss e02_LYT8266_WIFI_BULB example working on my lyt8266’s (after uploading the erase example). I can connect to them from the soulissApp and change colors, turn them on/off, dim, etc. However I can not send them actions from the openhab binding. I seem to be able to receive data from them however (D99, D98).

arduino studio 1.6.5
souliss 7.1.1
esp board configs: 1.6.5-1160-gef26c5f
compiled and uploaded on windows 10

openhab 1.8.3
souliss binding 1.8.3
raspberry pi 3 running raspbian

lyt8266 1 - GW with IP
lyt8266 2 - peer with dhcp IP

as mentioned souliss app works (“flash” and “sleep” don’t seem to work but I’m going to guess that’s unrelated)

next config files:

//souliss devices
Color  RGB_LytBulb_1 "RGB LytBulb  1" <slider>  {souliss="T16:0:0", autoupdate=false}
Number RGB_LytBulb_1_health "Health Node 0 [%1d]" <keyring>  {souliss="D98:0:998"}
String RGB_LytBulb_1_LH "Update Node 0 [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <keyring> {souliss="D99:0:999"}

Color  RGB_LytBulb_2 "RGB LytBulb  2" <slider>  {souliss="T16:1:0", autoupdate=false}
Number RGB_LytBulb_2_health "Health Node 1 [%1d]" <keyring>  {souliss="D98:1:998"}
String RGB_LytBulb_2_LH "Update Node 1 [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tk:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <keyring> {souliss="D99:1:999"}

        Frame label="lyts" {
                Colorpicker item=RGB_LytBulb_1
                Text item=RGB_LytBulb_1_health
                Text item=RGB_LytBulb_1_LH
                Colorpicker item=RGB_LytBulb_2
                Text item=RGB_LytBulb_2_health
                Text item=RGB_LytBulb_2_LH

web screenshot of sitemap


################################ Souliss Binding ######################################
# For ITEM defination in file .item like {souliss=<Typical>:<nodeID>:<slot>:[<bit>]}


# SERVERPORT - Leave empty for casual port

# Time in mills - min 50
#grep receiveCommand excerpt.log
2016-09-25 01:46:41.794 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 117.96610169491527,74.68354430379746,30.980392156862745 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:43.445 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 239.0769230769231,82.27848101265823,30.980392156862745 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:44.877 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 354.70588235294116,86.07594936708861,30.980392156862745 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:46.402 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 354.97536945812806,85.65400843881856,92.94117647058823 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:47.485 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 132.0618556701031,81.85654008438819,92.94117647058823 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:48.461 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 241.0404624277457,72.9957805907173,92.94117647058823 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:49.191 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 241.20805369127518,73.0392156862745,80 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:53.715 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_2 = 115.87155963302753,85.49019607843137,100 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:54.634 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_2 = 238.86792452830187,83.13725490196079,100 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:55.905 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_2 = 351.98275862068965,90.98039215686275,100 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:56.966 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_2 = 58.90909090909091,86.27450980392156,100 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 01:46:58.434 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_2 = 17.142857142857142,2.7450980392156863,100 - Typical: 0x16

The log output seems extremely verbose, so heres a gist of /var/log/openhab/openhab.log while I attempt to change the color for both lytBulb1 and lytbulb2 5-7 times each (which i believe you’ll see above and in the gist)

lastly here are some screenshots of souliss app working as i think it should (to verify my typical, node, slot settings)

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
thank you

Are you sure this is correct? Does the item parser accept that format, or must it be autoupdate="false" with double quotes?

hmmm, I’ve now tried it both ways and neither seem to help

(also with true, and with it not there at all, since I’m not actually sure what it does? I saw it in the example and copy/pasted it )

still is no change on the LED and similar output from the log:

2016-09-25 11:33:20.659 [INFO ] [.o.b.s.internal.SoulissBinding] - receiveCommand - RGB_LytBulb_1 = 291.3333333333333,35.714285714285715,98.82352941176471 - Typical: 0x16
2016-09-25 11:33:20.661 [DEBUG] [.s.i.n.typicals.StateTraslator] - translate commands: HSBType -> 0x22
2016-09-25 11:33:20.662 [DEBUG] [.o.b.s.i.n.udp.SoulissCommGate] - sendFORCEFrame - HEX: [33 00 00 00 04 22 EF A2 FC ], soulissNodeIPAddressOnLAN:
2016-09-25 11:33:20.663 [DEBUG] [] - Push
2016-09-25 11:33:20.665 [DEBUG] [] - Frame UPD per nodo 0 già presente il lista. Esecuzione ottimizzazione.
2016-09-25 11:33:20.666 [DEBUG] [] - Optimizer.             Packet to push: HEX: [10 0F 17 A0 00 86 47 33 00 00 00 04 22 EF A2 FC ]
2016-09-25 11:33:20.668 [DEBUG] [] - Optimizer.             Previous frame: HEX: [10 0F 17 A0 00 86 47 33 00 00 00 04 22 FC 54 A2 ]
2016-09-25 11:33:20.669 [DEBUG] [] - Optimizer. Previous frame modified to: HEX: [10 0F 17 A0 00 86 47 33 00 00 00 04 22 EF A2 FC ]

autoupdate="false" is meant to suppress the normal behavior that an item’s state is updated when the item is sent a command. So if you send a switch an ON command, for example, the state of the item won’t be set to on if autoupdate="false" is set for the item. You might want to set it on items that send a command but you want a binding to be responsible for updating the state.

I hope someone familiar with the Souliss binding will take a look.