OpenHAB UI 3 URL is hard-coded to


I plan to modify the following line of code in (org.openhab.habdroid.ui.activity.Oh3UiWebViewFragment) and add in a new setting to append user-configurable subdomain (etc “home.”) so that it will work for private OpenHab Cloud. What you think?

override fun modifyUrl(orig: HttpUrl): HttpUrl {
        if ( == "") {
            return orig.newBuilder()
        return orig

we changed. It works, but you should change config openhabcloud. add string ProxyHost

i am not sure what you mean. OpenHabCloud never used ProxyHost configuration instead it is hardcoded in line 241 of app.js. Again, the question is the android code is hard-corded to recognize “” only. If we are hosting private openhabcloud, the above mentioned code would not append “home.” into the host URL if user click on Openhab 3 UI.