openHAB workshops for users and developers, 20th October, Stuttgart

Dear all,

a short reminder for the upcoming event with free openHAB workshops in Stuttgart at the University of Applied Sciences next Friday and Saturday.

There will be two full-day hands-on workshops on Saturday, 20th October:

User workshop for openHAB newcomers (in German) with Marianne Spiller:
• Installation und Inbetriebnahme von openHABian auf dem Raspberry Pi
• Administration und Interfaces: Was mache ich wo - und wie?
• Vorstellen der Konzepte von openHAB2 mit Hilfe einfacher Bindings
• Erstellung von Sitemaps zur manuellen Steuerung
• Erstellung von Regelwerken zur automatisierten Steuerung
• Sammeln von Werten und deren grafische Auswertung

Developer workshop (in English) with Patrick Fink:
Learn how to develop new openHAB bindings (or improve existing ones)!
• Idea Pitches: openHAB binding projects
• openHAB and Eclipse SmartHome Architecture Basics
• Introduction to the openHAB Development Environment (IDE)
• Concepts and Patterns of Binding Development
• Hackathon: „Develop your binding!“

Please register for the workshops, as places are limited.
We have still some places left!

Looking forward to seeing you in Stuttgart

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Hi guys,


I’ve finally decided to register for the Smart Public Building Project & openHAB Foundation Academic Conference 2018 and the developer workshop. Heiko will also be on the developer workshop. I believe we should make use of these events, even more because they are practically in front of our door, plus it’s completely free, too.

This means it looks like I’ll be out on Friday and Saturday.



Unfortunately i can’t attend on saturday already.
Is there a chance that those Workshops get streamed or recorded and uploaded somewhere?

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:+1: live stream would be cool in our days

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Livestreams for workshops imho pretty much miss the point… Anyhow, afaik, the HfT won’t be able to provide streams or recordings.

Fair point and you are right.
I was aiming especially for the developer workshop, since binding developments needs a lot of preparation and an up to date “workshop-tutorial” would have been a huge improvement.
Maybe we can find another solution on mid therm for this.

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I won’t be able to attend to the conference and take part in the workshop, but as @Confectrician mentioned binding development tutorials needs a lot of :heart: .
Recording of the workshop would help new users (like me) to get started.
@mguedey please consider recording workshops.

I agree, but Kai is still right, this event has another scope. This isn’t a course, it’s a workshop. A workshop, other than a course, is not a prepared 6-hours tutorial with big amounts of material. The focus is not on giving a generic lesson, but to help participants realizing their projects. Depending on the project you want to realize, the challanges as well as the level of abstraction you’ll face can be extremely different. So the contents of the workshop will highly depend on the participants and their ideas and projects. The major challenge developing a binding is not setting up the IDE or writing a bit of Java code - the major challange is to understand the architecture of the system you want to integrate, and to “translate” it into the Eclipse SmartHome architecture. This is very project-specific.

As i said above: Kai was right.

For the rest:
I would disagree in some points here, but we are getting off topic more and more.
Maybe we should cut out the discussion into a new topic and leave this one for its original purpose.


Sure :slight_smile:

Back to the topic: In case we have some makers and geeks in low-level / hardware-related programming, I’ll also bring some MakerSpot CC2640 Bluetooth 5.0 HID dongles that you could experiment with at the developer workshop. To my knowledge, this is currently the first and only USB BLE 5.0 device on the market that supports all new BLE features including Bluetooth mesh :wink: Low-level hardware related programming won’t be the focus of the workshop, but any openHAB / ESH developer and anybody who wants to become one is welcome :slight_smile: