@5iver I’ve got the second opener connected and included. When I send 255 to it’s barrier state it makes all the beeps like it’s going to open/close but doesn’t actually move. I can see the state of it change, etc… but the door never starts moving, and eventually the barrier state returns to 0. I’ve verified that the connection is good between the physical button wires, the relay wires from the opener controller, and the opener. Anything else that I can check? I’m trying to get this new one working so that I can then fix the other. Thanks!
The only thing I can think of is that I recall from the manual that you need to manually open and close the door first in order to calibrate the tilt sensor, but I’ve skipped this in the past and the doors still work. Not moving sounds like a wiring issue to me. Maybe test the leads. I don’t recall of they go to ground or supply a voltage, but I had done bench testing first and picked something up from them.
Are you doing something fancy with the wiring, or are you going straight to the opener?
Okay. I’ve cycled it a few times with the physical button, and it’s all good. I’ll bench test.
No fancy wiring. Straight from the controller, twisted with the button wires, and inserted into the actual opener connector. The button works with it as it is, and the bare wires are twisted together, so I’m confident that the controller has a good connection. I’ll bench test them.
I’m going to need to get the manual out for the opener too. I just noticed that after the beeping is done, there are some arrows on the opener that are lighting up in some kind of sequence that doesn’t with just the physical button press.
@5iver So, the error code my opener is giving me says; " The wires for the door control are shorted or the door control is faulty. Inspect safety sensor wire at all staple points and connection points and replace wire or correct as needed." There is 12VDC coming out of the opener where the physical button and controller connects. I tried to bench test the controller without a 12v source to simulate the opener, but it won’t operate that way (no beeps, etc…). From what I can deduce, the controller monitors the 12VDC, then shorts it to open the door, but the opener doesn’t seem to like this. I’m not at all familiar with how the physical buttons for the openers normally work. Did you encounter anything like this?
Okay… Got it working. That being said, there were a few things that were an issue, the first and foremost being that the existing unit, while it was working until I used it last with the Vera (about a month ago), has since failed.
I connected a brand new unit to my other garage door opener (before I knew the original was bad). Turns out that the NGD00Z-4 and the Liftmaster opener I have are not friendly. There is a hardware mod that I tried, but it didn’t help. It was communicating with the OH2 unit though. So, I finally disconnected both NGD00Z units and swapped them. Boom! Two car door was now working just fine, but no 1 car.
The good part about the newer Liftmaster on my 1-car door is that it gives error codes (which it was throwing with the new controller). When I connected the old controller to it, there were no error codes, which leads me to believe that the original controller is actually broken.
Last night I did remove, completely reset (via their instructions), and rebind the original controller and finally got a new node number. So, it acts normal (beeps and receives door state), but does not actually function.
So, I have my 2-car door operating with the new controller, and a broken original controller. Seems I got 2yrs or so out of it. I’ll keep the one that I have for now, but need to find a different solution for the other door.
@5iver Thanks again for your help. I should have warned you that I have the worst luck. It only makes perfect sense that the controller would fail after I used it last. One last question for you regarding your lamda and rules. Does that entire code bit go into the rules file? If so, are there any other add-ons I need to use it? Thanks.
Sorry… I just noticed you had another question! You probably have this sorted by now, but yes. The rule and lambda go into the rules file. The only other thing you would need is the MAP transformation service.
I just ordered an NGD00Z-4 along with this device to integrate it with my Liftmaster opener. I’ll report back how
the installation goes.
how did it go for you?
It didn’t. It’s still sitting in the box waiting to be installed… Been too busy with some other stuff.
Hey @NoisyNinja, did you ever figure out your problem? Was it the tilt sensor?
I ended up following 5iver’s config here:
It wasn’t any issue with the tilt sensor.
That was an older post. Here is the latest, which uses a lambda…
Hopefully this is of use for someone else.
I did have a problem with the tilt sensor. GD00Z was successfully securely paired with OH but when I issued an open/close command through OH, the GD00Z would just go to 253 (stopped) a second later and wouldn’t do anything.
Got a new tilt sensor (2GIG TILT 384 (I think)) and paired it with the GD00Z controller by holding the button down on the controller for 7 seconds and pushing the button on the tilt sensor. When it is successful, the controller beeps once. After that, I opened the garage door with the wall button a couple times to allow for the controller to calibrate with the tilt sensor. When the door was opened manually, the GD00Z would record the position correctly in OH. After which, Openhab was able to control the system properly.
Opener was a Security+ system and so I bought a Security+ remote from amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Liftmaster-371LM-Garage-Opener-Remote/dp/B000CST0L0/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=Liftmaster+371LM+Garage+Door&qid=1556998090&s=gateway&sr=8-9) and soldered in the GD00Z opener to the remote (back side of the button as seen in other posts). Works great now.
If you don’t want to solder, you can buy something similar here: https://www.creativeaccesssolutions.com/Wireless-Interface-Module_p_14.html. I haven’t tried this myself but others have reported success with it.
Greetings all. I’m new to OpenHab and the forum, first post also. My ST hub is in the trash replaced with OH 2.4 on a rPi. Love it.
It’s not clear to me why rules and a virtual switch are needed for the NGD00Z-4. My setup has these items
Number Doors_Outside_GarageOne "His [MAP(garagedoor.map):%s]" <garagedoor> {channel="zwave:device:839cd123:node9:barrier_state"}
Number Doors_Outside_GarageTwo "Hers [MAP(garagedoor.map):%s]" <garagedoor> {channel="zwave:device:839cd123:node10:barrier_state"}
and in the sitemap.
Switch item=Doors_Outside_GarageOne mappings=[0="Close",255="Open"]
Switch item=Doors_Outside_GarageTwo mappings=[0="Close",255="Open"]
and garagedoor.map
This appears to work as expected without any rules. The states ie closed/opening/open update when activated from the basic ui, Open and closed states also update when the door is opened manually. Am I missing something ??
If that is all the funcitonality you need, then you’re not missing anything. I have all my garage door openers and outer door locks in a group that lets me know if all outer doors are locked. And I have rules that turn on lights, notifications, etc. For this, I need a switch items.
Thanks @5iver, still lots for me to learn.
A group for all of the garage doors like below seems to provide the correct overall status. I assume this group could also be part of a subgroup now that its just a switch?
Group:Switch:AND(OFF,ON) Garage_Doors_State
Number Doors_Outside_GarageOne "His [MAP(garagedoor.map):%s]" <garagedoor> (Garage_Doors_State) {channel="zwave:device:839cd123:node9:barrier_state"}
Number Doors_Outside_GarageTwo "Hers [MAP(garagedoor.map):%s]" <garagedoor> (Garage_Doors_State) {channel="zwave:device:839cd123:node10:barrier_state"}
Correct, but it could have been an a group before adding the aggregation function too. Now it reports state updates automatically. I use OR(ON,OFF), but that is logically the same as AND(OFF,ON)…
I chose AND because the state being evaluated is OFF, and that’s the same zero value as CLOSED. So my logic was ‘are all doors closed’. My guess was OR(ON,OFF) would not work since ON=1 / OPEN=255? To be clear I just added the Group:Switch for each door’s numeric barrier state channel. There isn’t a virtual switch or rules involved.
Are you saying this is working? TMK, a group with type Switch will only aggregate Items of type Switch.