OpenHab2 does not publish to Mosquitto

Hey Guys,

there is an Problem in My openHABianPi.

My Button does not Publish my Message to Mosquitto:

Mosquitto shows an Connection to Openhab:

1487282240: Sending PINGRESP to OpenHAB2
1487282243: Received DISCONNECT from OpenHAB2
1487282243: Client OpenHAB2 disconnected.
1487282253: Received PINGREQ from IRGW-5c:cf:7f:16:df:1e-73
1487282253: Sending PINGRESP to IRGW-5c:cf:7f:16:df:1e-73
1487282268: Received PINGREQ from IRGW-5c:cf:7f:16:df:1e-73
1487282268: Sending PINGRESP to IRGW-5c:cf:7f:16:df:1e-73
1487282272: New connection from on port 1883.
1487282272: New client connected from as OpenHAB2 (c1, k60).
1487282272: Sending CONNACK to OpenHAB2 (0, 0)
1487282283: Received PINGREQ from IRGW-5c:cf:7f:16:df:1e-73
1487282283: Sending PINGRESP to IRGW-5c:cf:7f:16:df:1e-73

OpenHab Log shows Switch actions:
2017-02-16 22:58:09.143 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - ir_ledstripe_on changed from NULL to ON
2017-02-16 22:58:09.144 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - gIR changed from NULL to UNDEF through ir_ledstripe_on
2017-02-16 22:58:10.310 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘ir_ledstripe_on’ received command OFF
2017-02-16 22:58:10.313 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - ir_ledstripe_on changed from ON to OFF
2017-02-16 22:58:11.292 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘ir_ledstripe_on’ received command ON
2017-02-16 22:58:11.296 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - ir_ledstripe_on changed from OFF to ON
2017-02-16 22:58:11.981 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘ir_ledstripe_on’ received command OFF
2017-02-16 22:58:11.983 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - ir_ledstripe_on changed from ON to OFF
2017-02-16 22:58:14.068 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘ir_philips_on’ received command ON
2017-02-16 22:58:14.725 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘ir_philips_on’ received command OFF

And here is my Configuration in the karaf console:

openhab> config:edit org.openhab.mqtt
openhab> config:property-list
oh2.clientId = OpenHAB2
oh2.url = tcp://localhost:1883 = org.openhab.mqtt

My Items:

Group gIR <own_ir> (All)
Switch ir_philips_on
"Philips Power" <own_ir> (gIR)
{mqtt=">[oh2:esp8266/02/sender/NEC/32:command:16712445]", autoupdate=“false”}
Switch ir_ledstripe_on
"LED-Stripe Toggle" <own_ir> (gIR)

Can someone help me? I dont know what to do next :cry: