Openhabian 4.2.2 + Raspberrymatic 3.77.7 NO GATEWAY-EXTRAS thing

I do have a fresh installation of Homematic and openhabian. No additional bridges within HM and in openhabian only telegram and homematic binding.
After the initialization of the binding I see all devices but the GATEWAY-EXTRAS thing is missing. Additional scans do not help.
Firewall in hm is “relaxed”, no user/password required for rpc.

Help is appreciated! Thank you!

I found the error (in openhab!)
It is caused by the content of a HM systemvariable (string) with content “-1234567890”. (The numbers itself don’t matter!)
If I make it shorter, it works. If I make it longer, it doesn’t work. If I add letters instead of numbers it works.
Errormessage in event.log:
2024-10-14 17:34:28.211 [ERROR] [ternal.handler.HomematicThingHandler] - For input string: “-1234567890”

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