openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

Hello everybody!
I’m running a openHABian setup on a rpi3(non+) + ssd (boot from sd card).
i’m thinking to get a rpi4 and upgrade to latest openHABian.

what’s my best approach here?
amanda is intended for backup an thus not suited for a migration, right?
and backup-cli will not help with mosquitto, grafana and other things if i understood correctly?

will there be any noticable difference(=increase) in performance with the new pi4 (4gb?)?

best regards

Well you could use Amanda to migrate, too, but it’s unknown if your RPi3 OS/kernel will flawlessly work in a RPi4 (pretty likely it will not).

Your best approach is to dist-upgrade the OS, upgrade openhabian-config and stick with your box.

hmm, too bad.
thanks for your advice!

I would like to share my experience with the sudo openhabian-config CLI tool.
I’m a new to the openHAB world and succesfully managed to install openHAB via openHABian on my Raspberry Pi. Everything worked out very well, so a big thanks to the community for the automated installation :clap:, until I came to the point of using the sudo openhabian-config tool. Afterwards it looks like a very basic knowled of Linux CLI tools, but in that situation of selecting the options of the lists in the CLI tool I had no glue how to select the several options. The soltuion is the keyboard space.

I would like to share my suggestion of improving the experience for beginners: Could it be possible to point out available keyboard commands and their affact on the system in the CLI tool? Either on the start page, in the “00 | About openHABian” or “99 | Help” menue entry?

Example list of possible commands:

|| Prompted option in the CLI----------|| Keyboard command-----||
|| Go into sub menu------------------------|| key: enter / new line--------||
|| Jump between List - Execute - Exit–|| key: shift-----------------------||
|| Selection of an list item / option-------|| key: space--------------------||
|| Deselection of an list item / option----|| key: space--------------------||

I don’t know, if this is here the right place for my reply. If not, please let me know!

so i updated to latest openHABian recently and everything works fine.
turns out my setup runs on jessie:

[18:57:34] openhabian@openHABianPi:~$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"

on the official raspberrypi page it says

Upgrading an existing Jessie image is possible, but is not guaranteed to work in every circumstance. If you wish to try upgrading a Jessie image to Stretch, we strongly recommend making a backup first — we can accept no responsibility for loss of data from a failed update.

and i foudn the same info for update Stretch > Buster…

does anybody know if a dist upgrade on openHABian (usually) goes through without problems or do i have to expect trouble?
and should i go jessie > stretch > buster or straight jessie > buster?

It works most of the time but the warning is there for a reason. So prepare (and test!) your backups first.

Hi Markus,
I tried last week to install the auto-backup but failed and today it worked properly.
Thanks for that, really nice feature which is easy to use.

I could not find the information how often and what time the backup is running? Now I could search in the sources. But I think this will also be interesting for others, so you might can answer it here.


dd semiannually, rsync once a week
See systemctl list-timers, you can change frequency in /etc/systemd/system/sd*.timer
Added this to the docs, too.

Will openHABian 1.6 support USB boot as lately provided by RPi 4 (see

That would completely solve the SD card wear issues…

No as an application it won’t.
It’s based on latest Raspberry Pi OS though (as of August, 2020) so you can use what’s in there.

It would create a bunch of new problems in the first place.
openHABian is built to save users from these to happen. Use ZRAM to mitigate SD wear issues.


Hi all,
I’ve got Openhab running pretty smooth on an old Raspi.
Just a few scripts running in other words it’s not a very heavy duty system.
Would it be better to upgrade the hardware a bit? I want a system which is solid as a rock, with a good backup functionality. I make backups now with this Raspberry Pi but to be honest, if the system would crash I wouldn’t have a clue where to start :wink:

I was thinking a NUC or something like that would be a wiser piece of hardware instead of this Raspi. Am I right?

No not at all. You would need to manually install everything, losing all the benefits of the openHABian image.
And if it’s running fine on your old box it’ll run as fine when you install openHABian instead, so how could that be wiser in whatever dimension?

All it takes is another SD card. I’d get another RPi, though, and keep the old one as a spare.

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just one question:
How can I update from openhabian 1.5 to openhabian 1.6?
… or is it not necessary when I have all up to date with

sudo apt full-upgrade

Some information of my system:

cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

 uname -a

Linux homesrv6neu 5.4.51-v7l+ #1333 SMP Mon Aug 10 16:51:40 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

Thank you in advance

openHABian offers to upgrade itself every time you start openhabian-config.
Strictly speaking, you cannot upgrade to a specific version but only ever to the most recent one.

That’s something different. That command is not upgrading openHABian itself (openHABian is only the scripts) but all installed packages of the underlying OS - incl. openHAB.

So, if the underlying OS is up to date and openhabian-config is on version 1.6-880 it is ok so far and I don’T have to update anything?

yes but remember the setup is still as it was created when you installed it for the first time.
So eventually uninstall/purge and reinstall components that have changed since such as e.g. ZRAM or FIND.

OK, thanks. That’s fine for me. I installed newly on Openhabian 1.5 a few days ago and updated everything to current version. (I took a lot of time)
So I think I don’t have to start from scratch and install everything newly?

Thanks for the tip.
I’ll consider buying a fresh new Rpi and clone the SDcard.

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Do NOT clone but install openHABian from scratch and import the config from the old box.

One more question:
What do you think is the best way to start manually a raw copy, e.g. after or before major changes on the system. Best way to start dd service manually or to use the script in the openhabian-config to re-setup everything?