openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

It works most of the time but the warning is there for a reason. So prepare (and test!) your backups first.

Hi Markus,
I tried last week to install the auto-backup but failed and today it worked properly.
Thanks for that, really nice feature which is easy to use.

I could not find the information how often and what time the backup is running? Now I could search in the sources. But I think this will also be interesting for others, so you might can answer it here.


dd semiannually, rsync once a week
See systemctl list-timers, you can change frequency in /etc/systemd/system/sd*.timer
Added this to the docs, too.

Will openHABian 1.6 support USB boot as lately provided by RPi 4 (see

That would completely solve the SD card wear issuesā€¦

No as an application it wonā€™t.
Itā€™s based on latest Raspberry Pi OS though (as of August, 2020) so you can use whatā€™s in there.

It would create a bunch of new problems in the first place.
openHABian is built to save users from these to happen. Use ZRAM to mitigate SD wear issues.


Hi all,
Iā€™ve got Openhab running pretty smooth on an old Raspi.
Just a few scripts running in other words itā€™s not a very heavy duty system.
Would it be better to upgrade the hardware a bit? I want a system which is solid as a rock, with a good backup functionality. I make backups now with this Raspberry Pi but to be honest, if the system would crash I wouldnā€™t have a clue where to start :wink:

I was thinking a NUC or something like that would be a wiser piece of hardware instead of this Raspi. Am I right?

No not at all. You would need to manually install everything, losing all the benefits of the openHABian image.
And if itā€™s running fine on your old box itā€™ll run as fine when you install openHABian instead, so how could that be wiser in whatever dimension?

All it takes is another SD card. Iā€™d get another RPi, though, and keep the old one as a spare.

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just one question:
How can I update from openhabian 1.5 to openhabian 1.6?
ā€¦ or is it not necessary when I have all up to date with

sudo apt full-upgrade

Some information of my system:

cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

 uname -a

Linux homesrv6neu 5.4.51-v7l+ #1333 SMP Mon Aug 10 16:51:40 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

Thank you in advance

openHABian offers to upgrade itself every time you start openhabian-config.
Strictly speaking, you cannot upgrade to a specific version but only ever to the most recent one.

Thatā€™s something different. That command is not upgrading openHABian itself (openHABian is only the scripts) but all installed packages of the underlying OS - incl. openHAB.

So, if the underlying OS is up to date and openhabian-config is on version 1.6-880 it is ok so far and I donā€™T have to update anything?

yes but remember the setup is still as it was created when you installed it for the first time.
So eventually uninstall/purge and reinstall components that have changed since such as e.g. ZRAM or FIND.

OK, thanks. Thatā€™s fine for me. I installed newly on Openhabian 1.5 a few days ago and updated everything to current version. (I took a lot of time)
So I think I donā€™t have to start from scratch and install everything newly?

Thanks for the tip.
Iā€™ll consider buying a fresh new Rpi and clone the SDcard.

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Do NOT clone but install openHABian from scratch and import the config from the old box.

One more question:
What do you think is the best way to start manually a raw copy, e.g. after or before major changes on the system. Best way to start dd service manually or to use the script in the openhabian-config to re-setup everything?

raw copy is not a backup

Only ever use it in addition to a backup. And if you do, your question does not make sense.
You should take backups before AND after major changes.

I do also use a regular backup script and do backups before and after major changes but I also want to make a raw copy after I did major changes and the system is stable. In case I need recovery there is only sd card switch necessary.

So you answered your own question. To answer your second question only ever use the openhabian-config menu option. It does more than just dd, see code.

Ah, now I got it. First sentence was not meant to be a question. :slight_smile:
Just wanted to know if I should use openhabian-config, so thanks for answering.

Hi @mstormi, just want to info that I found raspi-config on welcome screen when logged in using ssh after fresh install

Use raspi-config to set the country before use.


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