openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

My installation of Openhabian was successful this afternoon since build #696 was successful. However, i would agree that it would be helpful if there is some way to prevent the failure by using the most recent successful build or to describe the reason for the failure. Granted, i am very very new to openhabian but if it is possible to know that it will fail because of a dependency prior to running a fresh install, it would be helpful to save users time and potential frustration.

I have a question regarding the domain setup. Is it also possible to automatically configure a dyndns deamon to keep a dynamic IP address up to date?

Why would you do that if there is a openHAB Cloud connector available?:

I prefer to use my own domain and be independent of external cloud services :slight_smile:

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okay, valid reason :grinning:

Hey guys, I’ve been absent for a few days. Let’s see what’s going on here :slight_smile:

@GlidingFool great the upgrade worked for you. The provision of sudo openhabian-config is something done in another part of the script, which was not part of the older openHABian build you are using. I’ve added fixing this to my TODO list.

@madeinnorte GPIO is something discussed here. I’ve not spent much time on that problem. You could consider using the exec binding in combination with pigpio. Please consider taking part in the conversation in the thread!

@madeinnorte “I can not run the Wifi.”?

@stdll Nice you got it working. Thanks @jaydee73. Same goes for @wender_reis, @ElGustaff and @Jansen.
I should add, that you do not need to panic about that!

  1. this was an unfortunate time, a failed openHAB build to be present for long is not common. As @Anttisep said it would have been best to wait for the next build. I get that that’s not easy if you are on a tinkering spree :smiley:
  2. with the new repository just released, a failed build will not delete the last working build (@Paul_Morley). @Benjy are you able to confirm that!?

@djkevinz Great to hear! :wink:

@Dome I can’t help you with your USB sound card. However, you may be interested in this change: - maybe you need to remove the added option (dtparam=audio=on).

@tobias I understand your reasoning. I’m using my own domain as well. @sihui I love to be able to access my home via :wink: Regarding your question @tobias, check your router for an option to do that for you, otherwise check out ddclient and/or look for tutorials for your dyndns provider, e.g.

i can confirm - this time installation went fine :slight_smile: I got no error messages and logged in to opehabian:

              Welcome to            __  _____    ____  _
            ____  ____  ___  ____  / / / /   |  / __ )(_)___ _____
           / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ /_/ / /| | / __  / / __ `/ __ \
          / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / / __  / ___ |/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / /
          \____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/_/  |_/_____/_/\__,_/_/ /_/
                       openHAB 2.0.0~20170108164202 (Build )


Yep! The bintray builds should be triggered only when a new build succeeds.

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Will you update the apt sources for the new repository automatically with openhabian-config or better do it manually on our own?

Hey @skeal and everyone else,
I’ll implement the needed changes this evening and come back to you :wink:

@ElGustaff I’m a bit confused about the absence of a build number. Is “(build )” really what you see?

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Seems like i didn’t copied everything from the terminal. The correct output for “buid” is
Build #701:

openHAB 2.0.0~20170108164202 (Build #701)

The other question - does openhabian requires some changes in smb.conf file for guest user? I’m not able to save changes in configuration files when i’m mountng smb share for “guest” user (for some reason i can’t mount the share using user “pi”)

As a “guest user”? I don’t know what you mean by that. Pay attention to the first posting:

Hi all,

Once again @ThomDietrich for your efforts in making the setup such a breeze!

When I reboot my pi I need to enter the username and password in order for OH2 to start. After a power failure it would be useful if OH2 could start without entering these credentials when the Pi itself boots.

So my two questions are:

  1. Where do I set it so that there is no bootup password?
  2. Is this unwise?

Apologies if this was asked elsewhere but I couldn’t find an answer.


This shouldn’t be necessary at all. Of course you have to enter it when you log in via ssh. But with openhabian (using the apt-get method), openHAB is configured as a service, so will be started automatically during boot.

Do you only need to enter the credentials in case of a power failure (therefore a “hard” crash), or also when you do a controlled shutdown and reboot?

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Hi all,

i tried to set up openHABian several times today, but it doesn´t work. It looks like there is a problem fetching the snapshot files. There is always a 404 error. When opening the URL in a browser the whole path is missing. Is there again a problem with the build?

Hello @ast, this is related to the following change and I just this second did the needed changes to openHABian. Please restart the installation and everything should be fine.


sudo mv /boot/config-reinstall.txt /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot

openHAB 2 new apt repository and the single distro refactor

Everyone, another important change to openHAB 2 before it’s final release has happened. For one are packages now hosted by a new more powerful repository service provider and secondly are the packages openhab2-online and openhab2-offline now replaced by a base openhab2 package and a openhab2-addons to install on top. Find more details in the corresponding announcement threads:

Implications for openHABian users

I’ve done the needed changes to the openHABian scripts. From this point on forward openHABian will default to openhab2 (the previously known “openhab2-online” package). An option to easily select the addons package will follow.

Fresh installations: The openhab2 package will be installed on fresh systems. Nothing to pay attention to there.

Existing setups: If you are already using openHABian, just execute sudo openhabian-config, then select “Update” followed by “openHAB 2”. This will transition your setup over from the cloudbees repository to bintray and from openhab2-offline to openhab2. You will be prompted about 1-2 changed files in /var/lib/openhab2/etc. Select “Yes” to have them overwritten. Give openHAB a few minutes to restart, you may have to trigger another restart by typing sudo systemctl restart openhab2.service, after that your system as you know it will be back on track. Remember to backup your configuration.


Thank you. Not sure how it would all tie in together philosophy wise, but I believe OpenHabian should be promoted by OpenHab as the main install method. Of course, manual installs would be available for the more “advanced” user.

The work you’ve done has saved hundreds, if not thousands, of man-hours for new users. I can only imagine what the percentage is of people who attempt a manual install and give up, swearing off the platform. I can easily see a 50% or greater increase of users based on this service alone.


That actually fixed my sound issue - thanks!

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Thanks @RHINESEL, always nice to get feedback from you! :wink:
I’ve actually already “sneaked” openHABian into that position by mentioning it here a couple of times :smiley: However, do not forget, that there are many different platforms and operation systems you can run openHAB on. Using openHABian on a Raspberry Pi is only one way and not fitting for everyone. Still feel the same way as you. For newcomers a Raspberry Pi plus openHABian might be the smoothest openHAB experience you can get. Maybe @Kai want’s to suggest that in the big openHAB 2.0 annoucement :slight_smile:

@Dome well, what a coincidence :wink: