openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

Hey guys, I’ve been absent for a few days. Let’s see what’s going on here :slight_smile:

@GlidingFool great the upgrade worked for you. The provision of sudo openhabian-config is something done in another part of the script, which was not part of the older openHABian build you are using. I’ve added fixing this to my TODO list.

@madeinnorte GPIO is something discussed here. I’ve not spent much time on that problem. You could consider using the exec binding in combination with pigpio. Please consider taking part in the conversation in the thread!

@madeinnorte “I can not run the Wifi.”?

@stdll Nice you got it working. Thanks @jaydee73. Same goes for @wender_reis, @ElGustaff and @Jansen.
I should add, that you do not need to panic about that!

  1. this was an unfortunate time, a failed openHAB build to be present for long is not common. As @Anttisep said it would have been best to wait for the next build. I get that that’s not easy if you are on a tinkering spree :smiley:
  2. with the new repository just released, a failed build will not delete the last working build (@Paul_Morley). @Benjy are you able to confirm that!?

@djkevinz Great to hear! :wink:

@Dome I can’t help you with your USB sound card. However, you may be interested in this change: - maybe you need to remove the added option (dtparam=audio=on).

@tobias I understand your reasoning. I’m using my own domain as well. @sihui I love to be able to access my home via :wink: Regarding your question @tobias, check your router for an option to do that for you, otherwise check out ddclient and/or look for tutorials for your dyndns provider, e.g.