openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

Thanks, I normally keep it very simple and just have a couple of “sessions” open in byobu with the following log files using tail -f openhab.log, zwave.log, events.log. I agree that it should be kept simple for those that don’t want the extra but I like how you implemented easily installing options.

I’ve never looked at any of the solutions you proposed and with screen being on there I could easily adapt to that. I’ll check out frontail though. I’ve heard of kibana and logstash and they sound pretty cool but I do worry about the memory and processing cost on a rpi.

I’m hoping to move over to my rpi2 running oh2 soon as right now I am running oh 1.8 on a vm and the usb zwave keeps giving me issues every few weeks that take a lot of work to hit the perfect combination to get it to work again. I figure now is a great time to start moving since OH2 was just released and openHABian is a great tool. Once I get up and running I’ll take a look at your issues log on github and see if I can contribute back.

Thanks again!

After thinking about this a bit more, using Kiabana and Logstash so you free search across all events from all items/things over time would be mega!

Hi, thanks for this great work. I´m new at openhab. I tried to install openhab 1.x binding, but i´m not able to see them under “Addons”. I checked the settings in Configuration -> System -> Access remote repository and Include Legacy 1.x bindings. Both are activated. But no 1.x bindings are shown unter Addons. Anyone an idea? Thanks

i too am unable to give any opinion on logging options, as i havo no knowledge of what you speak.

on another note, any forward progress on the backup / restore options we discussed?

Statistics time :smile: After the release of openHAB 2.0 I thought it would be nice to post a quick comparison to the statistics from around one month ago. Here we go.

Traffic graph for the last 12 days (only):

Download statistics:

  • v1.0 download count: 7366
  • All releases download count: 9361

@ThomDietrich Many thanks for your work on openHABian. It works really fine.
I still have a question though. openHABian is installing the OH2 Stable Release.
And i have run into some Java issue for which there is a fix. But this fix will for now, only be available in the 2.0 Snapshot Release builds.
Is there a way to switch my openHABian install to use the Snapshot Releases? I mean changing the repository or so. Or do i have to switch over to the ‘Hand’ installation of openHAB2?
(I learned, Kai has not yet decided about a future upgrade strategy for the Stable Release.)

Try to activate myopenhab. But looking under Addons :: Bindings, there is no ‘openHAB Cloud Connector’. Did a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, but no upgrades, no installs, let a binding for myopenhab. Anyone else got this binding via openHABian?

Take a look at “Addons” → “Misc” tab …

In my opinion the existing logs are sufficient and

I second that statement.

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I am a totally new to Raspberry Pi3 and openhab and linux. Openhab is a great platform.

My question is after I successfully installed the openhabian, I got into the system with commend line
pi@openHabianPi:$ , I am lost from this point on! Where Can i get to the portal??


Hi John,

You can go to the portal via your browser: http://yourraspberrypi-ip:8080 and there you will find the landing page.

I suggest you read through the tutorials and documents on Then if you have specific questions, search on this forum as many questions have been asked before.
Enjoy your brand new home automation system!

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Thanks for your reply Maurits. I wish I can just simply go to my browser. I am new to raspberry pi3, no idea how to go from this point on. I downloaded the openhabian image file, and burned it into the sd card, all I have now is the command line in front of me. How can I get to the brower?

I searched all over the place without luck!. Thanks for helping.

Hi John,

I assume you followed this tutorial step by step: If you didn’t, I suggest you do that first.

Can you indicate which step you do not understand or is not working? With the limited information you are giving, it is very hard for people to help you.

Btw, with browser I mean a typical browser like chrome or firefox on any other computer or phone in your home network. Your ip address you can find as the first rule in the openHABian ‘overview’ when the raspberry pi finalized its startup.

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Thanks Maurits. I figured it out. I didn’t know that after installation from img file of openHabian, I need to use a seperate device to connect to. Thank you very much!!!

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sorry regarding the influxdb + grafana option … when installing that it says “This will install InfluxDB and Grafana and set up the connection between them and openHAB.”

not sure which steps from the tutorial thread on the forum are actually done…

by the help text I would assume a DB was created and the influxdb.cfg filels but it wasnt and also no DB was created.

So is the help text wrong and I follow the tutorial fully?



should have included you the first time…[quote=“Branden_Smale, post:669, topic:13379”]
on another note, any forward progress on the backup / restore options we discussed?

Hello openHABian-users!

I tried mounting /var/log and /var/tmp as tmpfs to reduce write access to the sd card and so to increase the lifetime of it. After I added creating of the log dir to rc.local, this works.

But openHABian seems not to be able to determine outstanding updates anymore: after a new ssh connection the welcome screen says:

Updates = Unknown apt-get updates available.

Does anyone know how I can repair this (while still using tmpfs)?

Thank you in advance, Nico.

This would be a good modification. I had added it manually in the Raspbian Version before installing OpenHABian. So count me in.

Hi Frerk,

did you solve this issue in your confuguration?

Kind regards, Nico

Follow this post, worked for me: