openHABian Install release 24-08-2024 - fails on install - Error with install Frontail - Connected keyboard might be the cause

I have a KNX system running at home that works sounds and stable for couple of years.
Now I like to do a renewed attempt with OpenHab to get the Visualisation done.
I played with OH a couple years ago and left it as side. Now there is may be a better moment to get the system setup.

I obtained the image file from the Rasberry Pi Imager v1.8.5 (fresh install)
Selected Model Pi3, and the corresponding OpenHab image. Flashed it to an 32Gb SDCard. I did this procedure 3 times towards two different SDcards.

The installation getting wrong with the install of Frontail. See last part of the installation Log (I monitored that in port 81). After that more stuff is going wrong in the installation.

I connted a monitor and keyboard to the Pi3B. The system did a reboot and cursor is now at "openhabian login: _ "

I tried un “openhab” and pw “habopen” but this does not bring me in.
Tried “root” and “openhab” neither.

the whole install process took avout 2:20 hours. I did this now 3 times…

How to repair this and get going with this piece of magic?


However, during the install on

2024-09-05_15:27:45_CEST [openHABian] Installing Samba… OK
2024-09-05_15:43:52_CEST [openHABian] Setting up Samba network shares… OK
2024-09-05_15:44:04_CEST [openHABian] Setting up Samba service… OK
2024-09-05_15:45:10_CEST [openHABian] Installing Frontail prerequsites (NodeJS)… OK
2024-09-05_15:47:07_CEST [openHABian] Installing openHAB Log Viewer (frontail)… /opt/openhabian/functions/helpers.bash: line 25: 9308 Illegal instruction “$@” &> /dev/null
/opt/openhabian/functions/helpers.bash: line 25: 9309 Illegal instruction “$@” &> /dev/null
FAILED (update)
**Failed to open terminal.**e[1;24re[4le)0e[me[37me[40me[1;24re[He[Je[1;1He[35me[K
e[Ke[1;1He[8;1He[34m┌──────────────────────────┤ e[31mFrontail not installede[34m ├──────────────────────────┐e[9;1H│e[33m e[34m│e[10;1H│e[33m e[36me[42mFrontail is not installed! e[33me[40m e[34m│e[11;1H│e[33m e[36me[42m e[33me[40m e[34m│e[12;1H│e[33m e[36me[42mCanceling operation! e[33me[40m e[34m│e[13;1H│e[33m e[34m│e[14;1H│e[33m e[37me[41me[33me[40m e[34m│e[15;1H│e[33m e[34m│e[16;1H└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘e[17;2He[32me[Ke[14;39He[?25he[?0ce[24;1He[37me[me[39;49m
2024-09-05_15:47:25_CEST [openHABian] Installing prerequisites for openhab_rules_tools (NodeJS)… OK
2024-09-05_15:49:21_CEST [openHABian] Installing openhab_rules_tools for JS Scripting… /opt/openhabian/functions/helpers.bash: line 25: 9369 Illegal instruction “$@” &> /dev/null
FAILED (npm install)
2024-09-05_15:49:25_CEST [openHABian] Skipping zram install on ARM hardware without enough memory.
2024-09-05_15:49:25_CEST [openHABian] Beginning Mail Transfer Agent setup… SKIPPED (no configuration provided)
2024-09-05_15:49:25_CEST [openHABian] Beginning Network UPS Tools setup… SKIPPED (no configuration provided)
2024-09-05_15:49:25_CEST [openHABian] Applying file permissions recommendations… FAILED (openhab folders)
2024-09-05_15:49:51_CEST [openHABian] Setting up automated SD mirroring and backup… SKIPPED (no configuration provided)
2024-09-05_15:49:51_CEST [openHABian] Cleaning up…

You are referencing openHABian here. To ensure the right people see this post please update your title to make that clear.

The login account is openhabian, not openhab. From the docs:

? When openHABian has installed and configured your openHAB system, you can start to use it right away. Connect to your Raspberry Pi SSH console (opens new window)using the username openhabian and password openhabian .

To gather all the information necessary to help diagnose the problem, please follow the troubleshooting steps documented at openHABian | openHAB.

Note that it is known to not work if you have a keyboard attached during that initial installation.

  • Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi. Connect your Ethernet. If you want to use Wi-Fi instead, configure Wi-Fi before booting or use the hotspot function later on. Do not attach a keyboard. Power on and wait approximately 10-30 minutes for openHABian to do its magic. The system will be accessible by its IP or via the local DNS name openhabian and you can watch the install progress in your browser at http://openhabian:81 (opens new window). If for whatever reason networking does not work, openHABian will launch a hotspot so if you see that, something’s up with your networking.

Hello Rich, Okay new attempt. No keyboard connected to the Pi3B. I let you know in a bit

I will take a while more. here a status from port 81

It works now

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