Hello. I am trying to use the rule from the openweathermap binding that was posted here: OpenWeatherMap Binding
My rule is as follows:
> rule "Weather Update"
> when
> System started or
> Item LocalWeatherAndForecast_Current_LastMeasurement changed
> then
> if ((LocalWeatherAndForecast_Current_LastMeasurement!=NULL)) {
> Thread::sleep(25) //wait until all weather items are properly updated
> var today_min = 50|°F
> var today_max = -50|°F
> var tomorrow_min = 50|°F
> var tomorrow_max = -50|°F
> val String todaystr = now.toString.substring(0,10)
> val String tomorrowstr = (now.plusHours(24)).toString.substring(0,10)
> //Today's min/max temperature
> gWeatherForecastTime.members.filter[f | f.state.toString.substring(0,10)==todaystr].forEach[wtime | {
> var wtemp = gWeatherForecastTemp.members.findFirst[j | j.name == wtime.name.toString + "_Temp"]
> if (wtemp.state != NULL) {
> if ((wtemp.state) < today_min) {
> today_min = wtemp.state
> }
> if ((wtemp.state) > today_max) {
> today_max = wtemp.state
> }
> }
> }
> ]
> //Tomorrow's min/max temperature
> gWeatherForecastTime.members.filter[f | f.state.toString.substring(0,10)==tomorrowstr].forEach[wtime | {
> var wtemp = gWeatherForecastTemp.members.findFirst[j | j.name == wtime.name.toString + "_Temp"]
> if (wtemp.state != NULL) {
> if ((wtemp.state) < tomorrow_min) {
> tomorrow_min = wtemp.state
> }
> if ((wtemp.state) > tomorrow_max) {
> tomorrow_max = wtemp.state
> }
> }
> }
> ]
> //Today's "worst" weather condition
> var Number wID_num // loop variable for today's forecast Weather Condition ID
> var Number wIDmax_num = 0 // day's worst weather condition ID
> gWeatherForecastTime.members.filter[f | f.state.toString.substring(0,10)==todaystr].forEach[wtime | {
> var wID = gWeatherForecastID.members.findFirst[j | j.name == wtime.name.toString + "_ID"]
> if (wID.state != NULL) {
> // logInfo("weahterMinMax", "ID item " + wID.toString)
> wID_num = Integer::parseInt(wID.state.toString)
> // check forecast categories in order of worst priority to assign "worst" weather condition ID
> // heavy thunderstorm and thunderstorm
> if (wID_num == 212) { // no matter what current max value is assign worst ID immediately
> wIDmax_num = wID_num
> }
> else if (wID_num == 211) { // unless ID not 212 then assign 2nd worst immediately
> if (wIDmax_num != 212) {
> wIDmax_num = wID_num
> }
> }
> // all other thunderstorms
> else if ((wID_num >= 200) && (wID_num < 233)) {
> if ((wIDmax_num != 211) && (wIDmax_num != 212)) {
> if (wIDmax_num <233) { // if max ID is a Thunderstorm already (but not severe) assign max of Thunderstorm
> wIDmax_num=Math::max(wIDmax_num, wID_num)
> }
> else { // else assign Thunderstorm ID
> wIDmax_num = wID_num
> }
> }
> }
> // all other weather conditions except clear and cloudy
> else if ((wID_num >= 300) && (wID_num < 782)) {
> if ((wIDmax_num >=800) || (wIDmax_num ==0)) { // if max ID is clear/cloudy or not used before assign condition ID
> wIDmax_num = wID_num
> }
> else { // else assign max of condition ID
> wIDmax_num=Math::max(wIDmax_num, wID_num)
> }
> }
> }
and I keep getting errors related to:
2020-04-27 09:26:13.975 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'OpenWeatherMap.rules' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [84,6]: mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting '}'
I tried adding the “}” but then another error is created.
Does anyone see what I’m missing?
EDIT: I added VS code, and there are over 40 errors that I have no clue what to do with. Most refer to a non final variable inside a lamba. I don’t have any clue…