OrangeAssist - Google Assistant Integration

Well… yes, I can delete it from there (unlink).
I know that…
But, upon restart, it will register again…

I have the assistant working in python, but any post message doesn’t get a reply. Its like port 2828 isn’t listening to anything. Even the helper doesn’t get anything.

Damn ports were blocked, got it working.

With the additon of Displays for google home I would like to know if it is possible to display a Url Video Stream on these new google home devices (With display) with out haveing to use a nest camera?

If so how?

Look for the IPcamera binding thread on this forum.

Thanks for this nice piece of software. I’m at the state that I got it working, can send command with the CLI and get some response from google. After starting with debug = false, the REST API is also working, i think. But can you give some more examples how to get OpenHAB send the good REST command to the OrangeAssist?

What is the exact orangeassistcmd in this example?

    val orangeassistPostURL = "http://lucky:charms@orangeassist:5000/assist/ask?html=1"
    val timeoutSec = 10
    rule "Send OrangeAssist Command"
    	Item orangeassistcmd received command
    	var result = sendHttpPostRequest(orangeassistPostURL, "text/plain", orgeassistcmd.state.toString, timeoutSec*1000)
    	postUpdate(orangeassistcmdResult, result)

How to get a good working JSON from openHAB:

    "request": "What time is it",
    "uuid": 12123e23422123,
    "output_html_file": someoutput.html,
    "output_audio_file": someaudio.wav,
    "is_play_audio": true,
    "screen_mode": "OFF",
    "language": "en-US",
    "is_return_html": true

How to broadcast a text to another google home device (to replace the TTS Say command)

I’d like to use this to switch the display of my Nest Hub off when I leave home (I already have the presence state in openHAB).
Problem is, I can say “Display off” to my Nest Hub and it works, But when I try from my phone (as a test before installing OrangeAssist) “Switch the display of the Nest Hub off” (my Nest Hub is named as “Nest Hub”) then it does not work. It just does a Google search on my phone.
Anyone knows how the display of a device can be switched off remotely from another device?

If you cannot issue the command using your phone, this won’t work with OrangeAssist either.

So this could be exactly what I am looking for. I want to configure a group of all of my devices so that as I leave/arrive home, everything turns off/on as required. The issue with that is that Chromecast power controls aren’t available in OH.

Would this be able to be integrated into a rule so that once i leave home, a broadcast is sent to all CC that are on and they turn off?

I cannot seem to get the device registered. I think other users are experiencing this as well, but I didnt see any resolve. Is the command I have below correct?

(env) $ googlesamples-assistant-devicetool --project-id OpenHabFab register --model ‘hab-orange1’ --type SWITCH --trait action.devices.traits.OnOff --manufacturer ‘Assistant SDK developer’ --product-name ‘Assistant SDK Speaker’ --description ‘Assistant SDK Speaker’ --device ‘hab-orange’ --nickname ‘My Assistant’ --client-type LIBRARY

Creating new device model
Error: Failed to register model: 400
Could not create the device model. Check that the request contains the required field project_id with a valid format in the request payload. See Device Model and Instance Schemas  |  Google Assistant SDK  |  Google for Developers for more information.

I’m wondering if the update to Google Actions console has anything to do with this.

I don’t want to deter anyone from Lucky’s solution, but for those that may want it, I found this on GitHub.

Was very easy to install and is under active development.

A separate thread with a quick tutorial would be most welcome. Especially how you manage to use it with openHAB.


Hi All, @luckymallari,

I successfully installed OrangeAssistant, registered with Google, I have it visible in Google Home app, but I can’t make it responding to requests:

OA config/debug info:

# orange assist v1 #
Server OrangeAssist with config:
    "credentials_file": "credentials.json",
    "delete_output_files_sec": 60,
    "device_id": "B51",
    "device_model_id": "ha-orange-b51-orange-b51-e31crv",
    "host": "",
    "is_debug": false,
    "is_verbose": true,
    "on_success": null,
    "password": "oa",
    "port": "2828",
    "project_id": "ha-orange-b51",
    "screen_mode": "SCREEN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED",
    "username": "kluszczyn"
  1. OA installed on the same machine as Openhab, port 80 free, port 2828 free

Debug info:

  1. when browsing from another computer in the same lan http://oh.lan:2828 (oh.lan is server where OA is installed): - - [2020-01-03 18:42:27] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 271 0.001288

in browser I receive orange! message

  1. when trying browsing http://oh.lan:2828/helpers/tester.html - - [2020-01-03 18:44:50] "GET /helpers/tester.html HTTP/1.1" 404 490 0.000508

resulting in The requested URL was not found on the server. message in browser

  1. when OA is started with config "is_debug": true it responds to commands issued in console.

  2. I tested also REST response with following rule, based on one from tutorial:

val orangeassistPostURL = "http://kluszczyn:oa@oh.lan:2828/assist/ask?html=1"
val timeoutSec = 10

rule "Send OrangeAssist Command"
	Item GOA_orangeassistcmd received command
    logInfo("OA", triggeringItem.state.toString)
	var result = sendHttpPostRequest(orangeassistPostURL, "text/plain", GOA_orangeassistcmd.state.toString, timeoutSec*1000)
    logInfo("OA", result)
	postUpdate(GOA_orangeassistcmdResult, result)

rule "command OA"
    Item GOA_Command received command 
    GOA_orangeassistcmd.sendCommand("What time is it?")

and receiving logs:

2020-01-03 18:59:22.689 [INFO ] [rg.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.OA] - What time is it?

2020-01-03 18:59:22.693 [INFO ] [rg.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.OA] - {

    "text": "NO OUTPUT. DOH!"


and in OA console: - - [2020-01-03 18:59:22] "POST /assist/ask?html=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 298 0.000651
  1. I was changing "screen_mode" to OFF and PLAYING - no change in output

I’m running out of ideas. Any suggestion welcomed! :slight_smile:

You dont access the helper from a URL as it is not exposed. You simply open the html file on your browser.

It’s been a while since I worked on this and I have and still using this on a daily basis. I am contemplating on making this an actual Binding. The regular Google Assistant Actionwe currently have is basically what it is: It integrates our DIY devices and exposes them go Google Home ecosystem via the Actions SDK. A new Binding will be helpful to do it the other way around, i.e., have OpenHAB control other Google Assistant devices.

The Binding I have in mind will have:

  1. Have an audio sink, so that users can register the binding as a sink and have the “say” command issue a broadcast command to GH. This will be helpful since it will to continue to play whatever was playing prior to the broadcast, as opposed to the Chromecast binding where it simply creates an audio from TTS, then streams it to the devices, which causes the currently playing media to stop and not resume.
  2. Java based, no NodeJS/Python needed, just the Binding itself.

The trickiest part is to parse the result of the command since the “answers” from GA will vary. For example, asking what time it is sometimes yield to “It’s 2AM” or “It’s noon.” We can probably set the item as string and just have the user parse it through a rule or a map.

Once the Binding is done, I plan to expand Orange Assist to do same for Alexa, so that it’s both Google and Alexa assistant capable…


Thanks Lucky for explaining. One issue cleared.
For the second - not receiving responses via REST - I gonna start from the ground, second chance :wink:

Does it make sense to add this to the existing binding rather than needing to separate bindings to interact with the same service?

While it does, and I actually thought about it hard, I don’t think we’d want to complicate the existing binding. Setting up OH->GA will require the steps posted at page 1 of this thread: Setting Google project, enable assistant API, etc.

I had to change http request from text/plain to application/json and format text as json string:

val orangeassistPostURL = "http://kluszczyn:oa@oh.lan:2828/assist/ask?html=1"
val timeoutSec = 10

rule "Send OrangeAssist Command"
	Item GOA_orangeassistcmd received command
    logInfo("OA", triggeringItem.state.toString)
	var result = sendHttpPostRequest(orangeassistPostURL, "application/json", '{"request":"' + GOA_orangeassistcmd.state.toString +'"}', timeoutSec*1000)
    logInfo("OA", result)
	postUpdate(GOA_orangeassistcmdResult, result)

rule "command OA"
    Item GOA_Command received command 


2020-01-05 03:07:28.535 [INFO ] [rg.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.OA] - openHAB

2020-01-05 03:07:30.563 [INFO ] [rg.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.OA] - {

    "request": "openHAB",

    "text": "OpenHAB (Software). open Home Automation Bus is an open source home automation software written in Java. It is deployed on premise and connects to devices and services from different vendors. As of 2019, close to 300 bindings are available as OSGi modules.\nWikipedia ( )."



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I don’t know, maybe if it can be made optional. It just seems confusing and complicated from the user’s perspective to have two bindings. But if that’t the way it has to be s be it. It would be better to have the capability whether or not we have two bindings than not to have it.

Totally agree. Still unsure if a separate binding is optimal. Consider that I am planning to do the same for Alexa. So choices are:

  1. New Binding (will have Google Home and Alexa)
  2. Extend current Bindings
    a. Alexa
    b. Google Assistant

To me, #2 could even be more confusing. I am open to suggestions