Osram Smart+ socket

I am trying to connect osram smart+ socket to Openhab2 without lightyfy gateway or hue gateway. Is it possible to only use Openhab2 for connecting?

No. You need some sort of ZigBee gateway whether it be Lightify, Hue or one of the (supported) ZigBee/USB dongles.

Hello Mike; Do you have experience with thing and item files for openhab 2. Search Info for osram smart + plug.

I use conBee II

Hello griMA did you integrated osram smart+ socket to openHAB?
Do you already have experience with thing and item files for openhab 2.
I am looking for Info for osram smart + plug

No. What you need for thing and item files depends on what
binding you use to talk to the conBee.


Hello. thank you but there is not any information for creating this files.

see my post in the community

Hello openHAB users. Have long been looking for the solution: Wanted to connect via conBee II of Dresden electronics OSRAM smart + plug. With the “Hue Binding” I finally could connect my switchable OSRAM socket in less than two minutes. Prepare the components / ZigBee connection with Phoscon App …