OWNtracks Setup - Position update

i have an openhab 2.5.5 system installed on raspberry pi3
For the “Man in the house” detection I used OWNtracks installed on an iPhone and the Binding GPStracker. The system works correctly but I don’t understand how to update the position in a timely manner. I would like the Owntraks app to check the position every 60 seconds, if the position has changed by more than 100m it would send openhab the new position, but with the setting that I have attached it seems that the update occurs randomly sometimes even after 10-15 minutes. Why?
I read that it could be a problem of the systems based on ios and that on android it works better, what experience do you have?
Thank you


This means that the “man at home” system is not working! There is no reliable way to detect a person’s presence in the house. I tried with Network Binding, Bluetooth Binding, all solutions have the same problem, the app or smartphon does not have to be in energy saving mode. Even using all three systems linked to the rules, you cannot be sure of the detection. Has anyone managed to make a reliable man-at-home system? if he did it in what way?
Thank you.

We have Android devices, and use the network binding to detect whether we are connected to the home WiFi. This has worked for us for some years, through various phones, none requiring special setup.

I tried for a few months with Network Binding with ios (iPhone) by setting the parameters in various ways and monitoring the presence switch on graphs but I found that there is no way to have a reliable detection. Maybe it’s an iPhone / ios problem?

No at best it means that a system to rely on iPhones does not work. It works to use Android, or other detection hardware such as motion detectors.

I read that in the GPSTracker binding they are integrating life360. I tried life 360 on the iPhone it seems that updates of the position of a member of the family also take place with the app in the background and this makes me think that it can work better than Owntracks (on the iphone). Can you tell me if it’s true and where are I with development?
Thank you

No I cannot.

OK thanks anyway

I have been successful when using SNMP as a method to detect phones being at home, however it does require the router (layer 3 device) device to work for you.

I will mention this guide was written with SNMP 1.x (vs the SNMP 2.x, something I need to find time to validate). I also need to verify if the ARP entries in pfsense can work vs a Cisco switch, but again have lacked time to properly validate a test.