Panasonic Projector Binding [;

This binding was created to connect a Panasonic PT-AE8000U projector to openHAB. It should work with other later model Panasonic projectors with a serial port but no testing with other models has been done. The binding is compatible with openHAB 3.1 and later.

Supported Things

This binding supports two thing types based on the connection used: projector-serial and projector-tcp.


The projector thing cannot be auto-discovered, it has to be configured manually.

Binding Configuration

There are no overall binding configuration settings that need to be set. All settings are through thing configuration parameters.

If you receive an error about openhab-transport-serial, issue the following command in the openhab console:

feature:install openhab-transport-serial

Thing Configuration

The projector-serial thing has the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Name Description Required
serialPort Serial Port Serial port device name that is connected to the Panasonic projector to control, e.g. COM1 on Windows, /dev/ttyS0 on Linux or /dev/tty.PL2303-0000103D on Mac. yes
pollingInterval Polling Interval Polling interval in seconds to update channel states, range 5-60 seconds; default 10 seconds. no

The projector-tcp thing has the following configuration parameters:

Parameter Name Description Required
host Host Name Host Name or IP address for the serial over IP device. yes
port Port Port for the serial over IP device. yes
pollingInterval Polling Interval Polling interval in seconds to update channel states, range 5-60 seconds; default 10 seconds. no

Some notes:

  • The source channel includes a dropdown with the source inputs for a PT-AE8000U.
  • If your projector has a source input that is not in the dropdown, the three character code to access that input will be displayed by the source channel when that input is selected by the remote control.
  • By using the sitemap mapping or a rule to send the input’s code back to the source channel, any source on the projector can be accessed by the binding.
  • The channel picturemode is pre-populated with options for the PT-AE8000U
  • On Linux, you may get an error stating the serial port cannot be opened when the panasonicprojector binding tries to load.
  • You can get around this by adding the openhab user to the dialout group like this: usermod -a -G dialout openhab.
  • Also on Linux you may have issues with the USB if using two serial USB devices e.g. panasonicprojector and RFXcom. See the general documentation about serial port configuration for more on symlinking the USB ports.
  • Here is an example of ser2net.conf you can use to share your serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 on IP port 4444 using ser2net Linux tool (take care, the baud rate is specific to the Panasonic projector):
4444:raw:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT LOCAL


Channel Item Type Purpose Values
power Switch Powers the projector on or off.
source String Retrieve or set the input source. See above
picturemode String Retrieve or set the picture mode. See above
freeze Switch Turn the freeze screen mode on or off.
blank Switch Turn the screen blank mode on or off. Do not toggle this switch continuously over a short period of time.
button Number Send a key operation command to the projector. Send only

Full Example


// serial port connection
panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater "Projector" [ serialPort="COM5", pollingInterval=10 ]

// serial over IP connection
panasonicprojector:projector-tcp:hometheater "Projector"  [ host="", port=4444, pollingInterval=10 ]


Switch panasonicPower                                      { channel="panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater:power" }
String panasonicSource       "Source [%s]"                 { channel="panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater:source" }
String panasonicPictureMode  "Picture Mode [%s]"           { channel="panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater:picturemode" }
Switch panasonicFreeze                                     { channel="panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater:freeze" }
Switch panasonicBlank                                      { channel="panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater:blank" }
String panasonicButton                                     { channel="panasonicprojector:projector-serial:hometheater:button", autoupdate="false" }


sitemap panasonic label="Panasonic Projector" {
    Frame label="Controls" {
        Switch     item=panasonicPower  label="Power"
        Selection  item=panasonicSource label="Source" mappings=["HD1"="HDMI1", "HD2"="HDMI2", "HD3"="HDMI3", "CP1"="Component", "RG1"="PC DSUB", "VID"="Video", "SVD"="S-Video"]
        Selection  item=panasonicPictureMode label="Picture Mode"
        Switch     item=panasonicFreeze label="Freeze"
        Switch     item=panasonicBlank  label="Blank Screen"
        Selection  item=panasonicButton label="Button"
    Frame label="Advanced Controls" {
        Switch     item=panasonicButton label="Lens Memory"     mappings=["VXX:LMLI0=+00000"="1","VXX:LMLI0=+00001"="2","VXX:LMLI0=+00002"="3","VXX:LMLI0=+00003"="4","VXX:LMLI0=+00004"="5","VXX:LMLI0=+00005"="6"]
        Switch     item=panasonicButton label="3D Input Format" mappings=["VXX:DIFI1=+00000"="1","VXX:DIFI1=+00001"="2","VXX:DIFI1=+00003"="3","VXX:DIFI1=+00004"="4"]
        Switch     item=panasonicButton label="Trigger 1 Out"   mappings=["VXX:TROI0=+00000"="LOW","VXX:TROI0=+00001"="HIGH"]
        Switch     item=panasonicButton label="Trigger 2 Out"   mappings=["VXX:TROI1=+00000"="LOW","VXX:TROI1=+00001"="HIGH"]


Version 1.0

Initial Add-on Marketplace release

Version 1.0.1

Jar updated to support OH 3.2.0 thru OH 4.0.0


Source Code:

Verified working with OH 4.1.0 M5. Is anyone else actually using this?

Hi! Try to use it with external RPI(ser2net) with connected CH340/341 USB Serial. Unfortunatelly no result, but seems this is driver issue… I see in logs that openhab binding can reach ser2net port and i see QPW commands etc, but seems problem is that I dont have any communication between raspberypi usb-serial and Projectro itself…

I wonder if I will connect directly to Projector and push buttons on ir-remote I think I should see any output in RS232 console? Maybe I need some specific cable (cross etc)…

UPD: ch340 dont work normally on RPI, so pl2302 adapter works like a charm :wink:

Glad to hear it worked for you!