Paper UI, Control Tab not working

When click on the Control Tab in the Paper UI I receive a short screen flashing lasting for a moment showing some items/channel but after this the page is blank.

Any idea?
Do I need some settings to make this interface usable or is just a bug?

No settings are needed. I’m not sure what the problem would be.

I’m having the same issue. Did you find a fix for this?

Using the Basic UI I’m able to see the Things I’ve found and linked, but with Paper UI I only see them for a split second and then they disappear.

I’m btw all new to OpenHAB.

Never worked for me.

Same issue here, OH 2.3 Control window it is very slow to load, approx. 10 mins to show items.
Could this be a corrupt org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.Thing.json file?
If so is there a way to fix it?


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