PaperUI -> Control not showing current state of mqtt items

When I open the Control section in PaperUI, my devices (currently all mqtt RGBWW bulbs) do not show the current state of the device. On/Off is pretty stable, but the other sliders (for brightness, color temperature, or HSBColor) are always 0 (far left) even if the bulb is on and the brightness is set to 50%.

Is the PaperUI->Control screen flakey in this regard or am I missing an mqtt state request somewhere in my files?

Here is my Things file…

Bridge mqtt:broker:myBroker [ host="192.168.X.X", secure=false, username="<user>", password="<pass>" ] {
// Living Room Lamp 1
Thing mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp1  "LR Lamp 1"
    { Channels:
        Type switch     : livingRoomLamp1Power      "LR Lamp 1: Power"              [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp1/POWER", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp1/POWER" ]
        Type dimmer     : livingRoomLamp1Brightness "LR Lamp 1: Brightness"         [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp1/DIMMER", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp1/DIMMER" ]
        Type dimmer     : livingRoomLamp1White      "LR Lamp 1: White"              [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp1/CT", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp1/CT", min=153, max=500, step=10  ]
        Type colorHSB   : livingRoomLamp1Color      "LR Lamp 1: Color"              [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp1/HSBColor", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp1/HSBColor" ]

// Living Room Lamp 2
Thing mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp2  "LR Lamp 2"
    { Channels:
        Type switch     : livingRoomLamp2Power      "LR Lamp 2: Power"              [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp2/POWER", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp2/POWER" ]
        Type dimmer     : livingRoomLamp2Brightness "LR Lamp 2: Brightness"         [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp2/DIMMER", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp2/DIMMER" ]
        Type dimmer     : livingRoomLamp2White      "LR Lamp 2: White"              [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp2/CT", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp2/CT", min=153, max=500, step=10  ]
        Type colorHSB   : livingRoomLamp2Color      "LR Lamp 2: Color"              [ stateTopic="stat/livingRoomLamp2/HSBColor", commandTopic="cmnd/livingRoomLamp2/HSBColor" ]

Here is my Items file…

// Living Room Lamp 1
Switch  livingRoomLamp1Power        "LR Lamp 1: Power"        ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp1:livingRoomLamp1Power" }
Dimmer  livingRoomLamp1Brightness   "LR Lamp 1: Brightness"   ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp1:livingRoomLamp1Brightness" }
Dimmer  livingRoomLamp1White        "LR Lamp 1: White"        ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp1:livingRoomLamp1White" }
Color   livingRoomLamp1Color        "LR Lamp 1: Color"        ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp1:livingRoomLamp1Color" }

// Living Room Lamp 2
Switch  livingRoomLamp2Power        "LR Lamp 2: Power"        ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp2:livingRoomLamp2Power" }
Dimmer  livingRoomLamp2Brightness   "LR Lamp 2: Brightness"   ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp2:livingRoomLamp2Brightness" }
Dimmer  livingRoomLamp2White        "LR Lamp 2: White"        ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp2:livingRoomLamp2White" }
Color   livingRoomLamp2Color        "LR Lamp 2: Color"        ["Lighting"]    { channel="mqtt:topic:livingRoomLamp2:livingRoomLamp2Color" }

I did read all your post and the files, at a glance look ok but PaperUI is for configuration not for control. You need to create a sitemap file with your items and use BasicUI, ClassicUI, etc… and see if the problem remains.

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