Paradox EVO Binding

Hi all,
just wanted to let you know that the PR with changes has been merged in 2.5.x branch. Will be published with 2.5.6 version.
For anyone who would like to test the latest binary from the PR you can download it here:

For a list of changes you can check the description of the PR:


I use 2.5.6 snapshot. Just let me know witch update will it contain and I give a try direct from it and give you feedback.

I guess the nightly build should have it. Maybe you can check tomorrow. In general if commands and encryption work then the new binding is published.

Do you mean that it is already in? Then I give a try just let me know. I use the latest one. Probably I check changelog.

I have tried it. It is refreshed in the latest snapshot. All functions are working from arm/disarm till read zones, partition statuses etc.
It can be rolled out without any problem.
I have tried Openhab3 yesterday. This binding is included but it does not work at the moment.

Thanks for testing !
For OH3 we will think once all the bindings get migrated. When that’s done we will check what and why is not working


Yep, I saw. I have read about some other bindings on Github and all are pending as I think core development still not at that stage. Plus I think one of the target of 2.5 was that bindings become compatible with OH3. So I’ll wait a few more weeks and check it again.

Some help needed with Paradox EVO binding.

I have a Paradox EVO 192 panel with an IP150 running version 4.40.04 of the firmware. When I first tried the Paradox EVO binding several months ago, @polychronov told me that firmware version 4.X was not supported yet. A couple of weeks ago @polychronov told me that 4.X was now supported in the latest version of the binding. So. I decide to give a new try.

Unfortunately, I am still iunable to establish the connection with my IP150.

What I have done:

I uninstalled and reinstalled the Paradox EVO binding. I assume that this allowed me to install the latest version of the binding.

I inserted a thing file with the fiollowing content in the things directory:

Bridge paradoxalarm:ip150:ip150 [refresh=5, panelType=“EVO192”, ip150Password=“xxxxxxxx”, pcPassword=“xxxx”, ipAddress=“”, port=10000, reconnectWaitTime=30, maxPartitions=4, maxZones=50, encrypt=true ] {
Thing panel panel
Thing partition partition1 [id=1]
Thing zone Fumee [id=1]


After starting the system, I see in the PaperUI >Configuration>Things that the IP150 module is offline and that there was a communication error.

The openhab log includes the following bits:


2020-06-29 16:46:57.861 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model ‘paradox.things’

020-06-29 16:47:11.590 [WARN ] [l.handlers.ParadoxIP150BridgeHandler] - Initial communicator not coming up online for 10000 seconds. Probably there is something wrong with communication.


Any suggestions as to where I should look?

Many thanks!

can you raise the logging to DEBUG level and provide me the logs as a start?
For more info please check the first post of this thread.


Quick hints at first look. Check ip address. Little bit strange, probably, uninstall binding, stop openhab, clear catch and tmp folders, download latest version of jar and copy to your addons folder. Plus set up log tracing of the binding. If it does not work, publish logs and we can help.

@kovacsi2899 Thanks, I did as you suggested. Concerning the ip address, I tried both and I deleted the old binding through the paper UI. I manually copied the new jar file (2.5.6) in the addon folder. I assume that when using such a manual upload, I should not in addition install the binding in the paper UI (right?). I cleared the cache and tmp directories.Then I restarted openhab. No success yet in communicating with the IP150. I then collected the attached paradox.log file.

Many thanks!

‘’'paradox.log (31.1 KB)

To me it looks like the lifecycle of the old and new binding are somehow messed up. What I’m concerned about is this refresh. It happens in parallel of the normal start of the binding in the other thread.
OH-thingLinkManager-1 2020-06-30 12:16:37.524 [DEBUG] [l.handlers.ParadoxIP150BridgeHandler] - Received command REFRESH
OH-thingLinkManager-1 2020-06-30 12:16:37.525 [DEBUG] [l.handlers.ParadoxIP150BridgeHandler] - Command is instance of class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.RefreshType

IP address is OK according to the log because the phases are executing well. Also encryption is working, otherwise it will fail after phase1. All this is good news

From what I can see there in the log, there is usually a packet which I’m not sure why is coming from Paradox at stage7 before the actual response. I expect to be able to read and ignore this package in the response. In your case I don’t seem to be able to read it. My suspicion is that two versions of the binding are working at the same time and there is a race condition between them.

Could you please try the following

  1. Verify that the new binding is in addons folder and no Paradox binding is installed(if you’re using 2.5.6 of openhab new binding should be available also from PaperUI now and you don’t have to put in the addons folder)

  2. Stop the whole openhab

  3. Clear cache/tmp

  4. Start openhab
    Send me fresh logs after the restart


@polychronov Just to clarify: I am currently running openhab 2.5.0.M3, version 2.5.6 of the paradox binding jar is in my addon folder, and the paradox binding from the Paper UI is not installed.
Should I intall openhab 2.5.6 before going any further?

No. It shouldn’t be any different.
Can you do the restart of OH and send me the fresh logs from the very beginning of the start?

If I cannot identify the issue with such logs, probably next step will be to change IP150 password to something different from what you usually use and upload logs in TRACE level
 (that’s because in TRACE level the password is logged as HEX)

@polychronov: OK, the file org.openhab.binding.paradoxalarm-2.5.6-SNAPSHOT.jar is in the addon folder. The openhab binding in the Paper UI iis NOT installed. I have stopped openhab, cleared the userdata/cache and userdata/tmp folders, and cleared the openhab.log and paradox.log files. Then I restarted openhab and collected the log files attached.
openhab.log (18.5 KB) paradox.log (166.4 KB)

Unfortunately I have no idea why the ghost packet is not read correctly. I will need to see the packets coming and sent.
Could you please do the following:

  1. Change your password for IP150 (because otherwise it will be logged as hex and can be obtained when sent free in the internet here)
  2. Change it in the configuration of the bridge
  3. Raise the log level to TRACE
  4. Collect the logs in TRACE level and send them to me (after RESET command or restart of openhab)
  5. Stop the logging to TRACE (as it usually logs a lot and will flood your logs)

Meanwhile when I have the time I will think for better solution for skipping this packet. It’s a very error prone approach which I don’t like from the very beginning


@polychronov Sorry for the delay. Concerning the log level, do I understand correctly that I should modify the file “userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg” and then stop openhab, delete the existing log files and then restart openhab. And if so, how exactly should I modify that file to get the traces that you need.
Many thanks.

for logging no it is enough to copy and save into this file, after that OH starts logging immediately

Thanks, but the bit of knowledge I am missing is how to do is set the log level to TRACE for whatever modules Konstantin needs the TRACE.

Just copy it to your file:

# Paradox Binding = org.openhab.binding.paradoxalarm
log4j2.logger.paradox.level = DEBUG
log4j2.logger.paradox.additivity = false
log4j2.logger.paradox.appenderRefs = paradox
log4j2.logger.paradox.appenderRef.paradox.ref = paradox = paradox
log4j2.appender.paradox.type = RollingRandomAccessFile
log4j2.appender.paradox.fileName = ${openhab.logdir}/paradox.log
log4j2.appender.paradox.filePattern = ${openhab.logdir}/paradox.log.%i
log4j2.appender.paradox.immediateFlush = true
log4j2.appender.paradox.append = true
log4j2.appender.paradox.layout.type = PatternLayout
log4j2.appender.paradox.layout.pattern = %t %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-36.36c] - %m%n
log4j2.appender.paradox.policies.type = Policies
log4j2.appender.paradox.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
log4j2.appender.paradox.policies.size.size = 10MB
log4j2.appender.paradox.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy

This line determines debug level:
log4j2.logger.paradox.level = DEBUG
in this case change DEBUG to TRACE and you’re done

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