Performance problems OH3 - instance get slower and slower until it gets restarted weekly

I run OH 3.4 inside a docker container (synology NAS)
Other containers run fine and are used by openhab (influxdb, mosquitto)

My problem is: whenever I (re)start the container OH works fine. In the web frontend, th overview site is shown immediately, everything works very fast.

After ~ 7 days everything gets slower and slower. Actually my container runs for 8 days. overview site shows widgets now after ~ 4 Seconds, item values inside the widgets need about 15 seconds to be shown, widgets-trendlines need about ~20 seconds to be shown. Rule execution also seems to be very slow then.

CPU Usage is quite much. Before I updated to openhab3 I ran opoenhab2 on a virtual machine (debian based) on the same Synology system (inside virtual machine manager). Server load of the VM never was more than 1.
The openhab 3 instance has load average of ~4 now (after some days).

Now (as every week) I restartet OH3 container.

Now (as every week) I restartet OH3 container. At the picture you can see load before restart, load while booting and minimum load while running freshly restartet.

Load is fine, everything is quite fast. Overview page with widgets content, values, trend lines are loaded in less than a second.

My problem: There are no errors in the openhab logs that give me some hints…
Is OH3 less performant than OH2?
My OH instance contains ~ 100 Things, ~ 1100 Items and several (quite frequent used) rules… is this too much for OH3?
Are there any hints where I can find the problem?
A weekly container restart is not a good solution. I never had to restart my OH2 instance…

And I also do not find a way to automate the weekly restart of the synology docker container or OH running inside a Container via rule for example.

Edit: This is a view of the admin page showing used bindings (if this is helpful…)

No and most users saw a performance improvement.


I think you have two paths you can go down. You can by process of elimination identify the add-on that is causing problems by removing them one by one until the problem disappears. Once you identify the add-on you at least have a place to start.

However, because development on OH 3.4 is done, even if you find a problem it likely won’t get fixed. It also might already be fixed in OH 4. So even if you do identify the problem and it required a fix in OH itself, you’ll need to show it still occurs in OH 4 and the fix will only be made there anyway. So I’d recommend upgrading to OH 4 and if the problem persists do the process of elimination to identify the troublesome binding.