Persistance lastChangeTimestamp as subtitle in oh-label-item

Hi folks,
I have a page that show some details of items. Now I will see a list with 4 oh-label-items with some more details in subtitle.

When I use following, return is every time “undefinded”.

  • =items.getItem(‘BM_FLO_01’).history.previousState(true, ‘jdbc’)?.timestamp
  • =items.BM_FLO_01.history.previousState(true, ‘jdbc’)?.timestamp
  • =items.BM_FLO_01.history.previousState.timestamp

Data was successfully stored in perstistance and can be accessed by script.
Why it doesn’t work in oh-label-item?


AFAIR the .history Is not accessible within UI. This is the syntax you use for rules, but not within mainui.

Thats not good for my planed solution.
Anyone can confirm last post?

Yes, @splatch is correct.

To achieve what you want, use a separate DateTime Item and link it to the same channel as the original Item and use the timestamp profile to record the date time of the last update our change.