
Hi Kris, thanks for your answer. I tried it again and now it is working. Maybe it has something to do with the OH3 version.
Thanks again


For some reason the timestamp for all my items is every 15 minutes
Iā€™m using rrd4j with the default persistence, so every 1 minute & on change
Any idea what could be the reason for this?

How did you check that? Using the API Explorer/ REST API?
Which Version of openHAB are you using?

Note that the timesteps between readings in a rrd4j database is dependent on the requested timeframe. Asking for a longer timerframe will most probably give you results from an archive that holds consolidated readings (as setup in the used configutation).

Hi JĆ¼rgen, thx for your reply
Iā€™m getting the 15min interval on items only with PersistenceViewer, so with the index.html file
If i use the REST API directly, iā€™m seeing values every minute
Iā€™m running OH 3.1, itā€™s a clean recent install with default persistence
Timeframe iā€™m requesting is only 24h, so that should not be the reason
Not sure what is going on, iā€™m not that good with html :slight_smile:

Ups, I missed that this was posted in a PersistenceViewer thread! I havenā€™t used it on OH3 (yet)!
Sorry for that.

I do recall having problems getting this viewer to use the correct timeframe.
If the API Explorer (the new name for the REST API) does show the minute values everything should be OK.

As per the github page 1. By default, one month of persistence data will be retrieved, unless specific dates are entered in the Start and End date fields.
Which would explain what you are getting.

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Just a confirmation - this also seems to work on Openhab 4

Still, a few things which could improve the functionality:

  1. Select persistence services through a dropdown
  2. Remember path you were on when changing persistence service (can be done by appending a # with path or use a query parameter for it
  3. Follow Openhab theme?
  4. Use item labels instead of name