Philips Hue Binding - Channels not displayed in things view

I have an OH3.1.0 running on a RPI4 since ~ 1 year, all fine (I had thought). Now I realized that in the things view, channels that I had created and do for sure exist are not displayed - but for Philips Hue light bulb things only. Channels for all other things, including other Hue things like sensors, are still all displayed correct. And, strange enough, all the channels I am missing in the thinsg view/editor are still displayed in the modell view. However, it seems some of my channels (and I have a lot of them) somehow got currupted …

Is this a known problem?


I’m having the same or similar problem.

I’ve had my hue lights set up for several years, and everything has been fine. Today I was troubleshooting an issue with some color temperature rules and decided to switch to using one item linked to a Hue-created room instead of sending commands to two individual lights.

No problem, I already have the room as a “Thing”. In fact, I already have the Brightness channel for that thing linked to an item. I just need to create and link an item to the Color Temperature Channel… Except when I go to the “Channels” tab to add the link, there are no channels listed! I can bring up the “alarm” channel if I click the “show advanced” checkbox, but none of the normal channels are there.
I recently added new strip lights to my Hue collection, and they are still working just fine. All the Channels show up properly. But the Things for the all of the older lights appear to be missing their channels, even though the old items linked to those channels still exist and work just fine.

I’ve considered removing one of the older Things and re-creating it and its associate items, but since they’re working at the moment, I don’t really want to break it and then find out that whatever is causing this prevents me from setting it back up properly.

I have no idea when the Channels stopped showing up in the UI, because this is the first time in along while that I’ve brought up these older Things to make any changes. I’m on openHAB 3.2.0 M5, and these older lights and their associated items and things were all set up in openHAB 2. Maybe there was a breaking change involving the UI between 2 and 3?

EDIT: I got brave and deleted the Thing. I then scanned for new Things, re-added it, and the Channels are all showing up properly now. Were you running an older version of OH when you added your lights?If so, I think this is just an upgrade bug. Deleting and re-adding the Things has worked for me… and even re-linked the items that were already linked.

I think it was in the release notes of one of the updates that things must be re-added because the channel definition was updated. So yes, this is a known behaviour. Just keep the thing name the same and channels will be back after re-adding the thing. :slight_smile: