Pishrink with openhabian

Hallo there,

I would like to secure my openhabian image and compress it with pishrink (GitHub - Drewsif/PiShrink: Make your pi images smaller!)

Does anybody of you have experience with pishrink and openhabian with openhab3?

Thanks for your response.

I haven’t used it, but I’m also interested. I’ve been using 32GB SD cards and would like to move my current system to a 16GB card without starting from scratch.

I was thinking of setting up a separate Raspbian Desktop system so that I can use the built-in SD Card Copier to move from the 32GB to the 16GB card.

i use openhabian with openhab 3.3.0.m2 and i use a little script for my backups what i start manually from time to time, most before doing updates.

some time ago i had oh system installed on a ssd, this was 120gb, there i started using pishrink to avoid having always 120gb big backups. acutally i am back on a sd-card, but also use pishrink to receive backups as small as possible. thats the reason i have both versions (ssd and sd) in my script, ssd is commented out.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# timestamp funktioniert nur wenn er vor sudo -s gesetzt wird!
timestamp() { date +"%Y-%m-%d"; }

sudo -s <<EOF

echo "################################"
echo "### datensicherung gestartet ###"
echo "################################"

#sudo systemctl stop openhab2.service

echo "backup laufwerk anschließen ..."
mount -t cifs -o user=XXXX,password=XXXX,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 //XX.XX.XX.XX/XXXXX /mnt/smb/

echo "ordner für sicherung erstellen ..."
mkdir /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)
mkdir /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)/influxdb-dasi

#echo "komplette sd-karte in voller größe sichern..."
#dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/smb/$(timestamp)/SD-Karte-$(timestamp).img bs=1MB
#echo "und jetzt das image komprimieren ..."
#pishrink.sh /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)/SD-Karte-$(timestamp).img

echo "komplette usb-ssd-festplatte in voller größe sichern ..."
dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/smb/$(timestamp)/USB-SSD-$(timestamp).img bs=1MB
echo "und jetzt das image komprimieren ..."
pishrink.sh /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)/USB-SSD-$(timestamp).img

echo "openhab-backups sichern ..."
openhab-cli backup
find /var/lib/openhab/backups -cmin -33 -exec cp {} /mnt/smb/$(timestamp) \;

echo "influxdb datenbanken sichern ..."
influxd backup -portable /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)/influxdb-dasi

echo "diverse konfigurationsdateien sichern ..."
cp /etc/hosts /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)
cp /etc/dhcpcd.conf /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)
cp /etc/owfs.conf /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)
cp /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf /mnt/smb/$(timestamp)
cp /etc/grafana/grafana.ini /mnt/smb/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

echo "###############################################################"
echo "### grafana dashboards bitte manuell als *.json exportieren ###"
echo "###############################################################"

umount /mnt/smb

I wouldn’t mess with this. You are just about to very likely break anything.
Just export your config, install to another (smaller) SD from scratch, and reimport.

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