PLCLogo Solution: Rollershutter continius Position Control (0 to 100)

Problem Statement

How to control roller shutters / roller blinds / sun-blinds from Logo using wall-switches and in parallel from openHAB with full support of the Position? (Alexa set rollershutter to 50%)


Assuming the roller shutter drive (motor) can be controlled from 2 relay-outputs of Logo. One Logo-output controls the upwards-direction, the other controls the downwards-direction. Simple roller shutters do not provide any information of the current position, but have end-switches that assure the shutter stops at the top/bottom endpoints.


Here is a screenshot of what the result looks like.
Location Card

LOGO! Configuration (LOGO! SoftComfort Diagram Editor)
To control one rollo shutter the following UDF (user defined function) shall be used in your logo program.

Find the UDF for Logo8 here (remove .pdf):
RolloUDFInv.lma.pdf (62.3 KB)

The test-program looks like this:

UDF Parameter
UDF Parameter
TL= Runtime Time for complete Closure in seconds
TNL= Time where the roller shutter is at final position and power to the motor is still on to ensure complete opening.

Do not forget to configure the VM for the ‘Positions’:



  • JS Transformation
  • JS Scripting addon ( ECMAScript-2021)
  • PLCLogo Binding
  • item names must be as shown only the part in front of “_” can be changed but must be the same for all three Items per rollershutter

LOGO Rollershutter Things

three memory Things
OGSz_RolloIst → VD609
OGSz_RolloSoll → VW607
OGSz_RolloTrigger → VB600.2

LOGO rollershutter Items


*type rollershutter

  • semantic Class Blinds
  • groups: semantic Group Room and non semantic group all rollershutters
  • channel linked to OGSz_RolloIst with Profile JS File Round.js
(function(i) {
  result = Math.round(i)
  return (result);
  • Metadata: Auto-update false
  • Metadate: Alexa see yaml below
value: Shutter.RangeValue
    - Close=DOWN
    - Open=UP
    - Lower=DOWN
    - Raise=UP
    - Stop=STOP
    - "@Setting.Position"
  name: Rollo Schlafzimmer
    - Closed=100
    - Open=0:99
    - UP=@Value.Up:@Value.Open
    - DOWN=@Value.Down:@Value.Close
    - STOP=@Value.Stop


  • type number
  • non semantic
  • channel linked to OGSz_RolloSoll with no Profile


  • type switch
  • non semantic
  • channel linked to OGSz_RolloTrigger with no Profile

Rule javascript ECMAScript-2021

configuration: {}
  - id: "1"
      groupName: OG_Rollos
    type: core.GroupCommandTrigger
conditions: []
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      type: application/javascript;version=ECMAScript-2021
      script: >
        var { DOWN, UP, ON, OFF } = require("@runtime");

        var Sollitem = items.getItem(event.itemName.replace('Rollo', 'RolloSoll'));

        var Triggeritem = items.getItem(event.itemName.replace('Rollo', 'RolloTrigger'));

        if (event.itemCommand == DOWN) {


        } else if (event.itemCommand == UP) {


        } else {



    type: script.ScriptAction

“One Rule to Rule them all” the rule looks at all items in the Group if one of them gets an command it Runs the Rule and gets the respective items.


I1 and I2 Inputs from Logo First Push Moves the rollershutter in the selected direction. second push of either Input stops the movement. Full Up and Down stops the rollershutter (configured Time)
Command to Item “Rollo”
“UP” moves rollershutter to fully Open
“DOWN” moves rollershutter to fully Closed
number command moves rollershutter to this position.
new command while rollershutter moves, stops it.

Full Yaml to Items, Links and Things


    "link": "",
    "state": "ON",
    "editable": true,
    "type": "Switch",
    "name": "OGSz_RolloTrigger",
    "label": "OGSz_RolloTrigger",
    "category": "",
    "tags": [],
    "groupNames": []
    "link": "",
    "state": "100",
    "stateDescription": {
      "pattern": "%.0f",
      "readOnly": false,
      "options": []
    "editable": true,
    "type": "Number",
    "name": "OGSz_RolloSoll",
    "label": "OGSz_RolloSoll",
    "category": "",
    "tags": [],
    "groupNames": []
    "link": "",
    "state": "100",
    "stateDescription": {
      "minimum": 0,
      "maximum": 100,
      "step": 1,
      "pattern": "%.0f",
      "readOnly": false,
      "options": [
          "value": "0",
          "label": "Open"
          "value": "100",
          "label": "Closed"
    "commandDescription": {
      "commandOptions": [
          "command": "0",
          "label": "Open"
          "command": "100",
          "label": "Closed"
    "metadata": {
      "listWidget": {
        "value": " ",
        "config": {
          "stateInCenter": true
      "widgetOrder": {
        "value": "2"
      "alexa": {
        "value": "Shutter.RangeValue",
        "config": {
          "actionMappings": [
          "capabilityNames": [
          "name": "Rollo Schlafzimmer",
          "stateMappings": [
          "supportedCommands": [
      "semantics": {
        "value": "Equipment_Blinds",
        "config": {
          "hasLocation": "OGSz_Raum"
      "stateDescription": {
        "value": " ",
        "config": {
          "max": "100",
          "min": "0",
          "options": "0=Open,100=Closed",
          "readOnly": false,
          "step": "1"
      "autoupdate": {
        "value": "false"
    "editable": true,
    "type": "Rollershutter",
    "name": "OGSz_Rollo",
    "label": "Rollo",
    "category": "rollershutter",
    "tags": [
    "groupNames": [


    "editable": true,
    "channelUID": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:6a7a885e89:value",
    "configuration": {
      "function": "Runden.js",
      "profile": "transform:JS"
    "itemName": "OGSz_Rollo"
    "editable": true,
    "channelUID": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:10f4cc243b:state",
    "configuration": {},
    "itemName": "OGSz_RolloTrigger"
    "editable": true,
    "channelUID": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:cbe0984beb:value",
    "configuration": {},
    "itemName": "OGSz_RolloSoll"


    "channels": [
        "linkedItems": [
        "uid": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:10f4cc243b:state",
        "id": "state",
        "channelTypeUID": "plclogo:switch",
        "itemType": "Switch",
        "kind": "STATE",
        "label": "VB600.2",
        "description": "Digital in/output block VB600.2",
        "defaultTags": [],
        "properties": {
          "block": "VB600.2"
        "configuration": {}
    "statusInfo": {
      "status": "ONLINE",
      "statusDetail": "NONE"
    "editable": true,
    "label": "OGSz_RolloTrigger",
    "bridgeUID": "plclogo:device:12cb0c0bb7",
    "configuration": {
      "block": "VB600.2",
      "force": false,
      "threshold": 0
    "properties": {},
    "UID": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:10f4cc243b",
    "thingTypeUID": "plclogo:memory"
    "channels": [
        "linkedItems": [
        "uid": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:6a7a885e89:value",
        "id": "value",
        "channelTypeUID": "plclogo:number",
        "itemType": "Number",
        "kind": "STATE",
        "label": "VD609",
        "description": "Analog in/output block VD609",
        "defaultTags": [],
        "properties": {
          "block": "VD609"
        "configuration": {}
    "statusInfo": {
      "status": "ONLINE",
      "statusDetail": "NONE"
    "editable": true,
    "label": "OGSz_RolloIst",
    "bridgeUID": "plclogo:device:12cb0c0bb7",
    "configuration": {
      "block": "VD609",
      "force": false,
      "threshold": 0
    "properties": {},
    "UID": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:6a7a885e89",
    "thingTypeUID": "plclogo:memory",
    "location": "Schlafzimmer"
    "channels": [
        "linkedItems": [
        "uid": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:cbe0984beb:value",
        "id": "value",
        "channelTypeUID": "plclogo:number",
        "itemType": "Number",
        "kind": "STATE",
        "label": "VW607",
        "description": "Analog in/output block VW607",
        "defaultTags": [],
        "properties": {
          "block": "VW607"
        "configuration": {}
    "statusInfo": {
      "status": "ONLINE",
      "statusDetail": "NONE"
    "editable": true,
    "label": "OGSz_RolloSoll",
    "bridgeUID": "plclogo:device:12cb0c0bb7",
    "configuration": {
      "block": "VW607",
      "force": false,
      "threshold": 0
    "properties": {},
    "UID": "plclogo:memory:12cb0c0bb7:cbe0984beb",
    "thingTypeUID": "plclogo:memory",
    "location": "Schlafzimmer"

Greetings Markus

Thank you for this explanation of PLCLogo.
I’m planing to replace all of my manual roller shutters (15 shutters (7+8)) with new electric ones. Because of this I’m trying to find the best technical solution to smartify them and I’m not sure if I want to implement somfy. Currently I mostly use z-wave, which would also be possible for this. But I don’t like the idea to install 15 single roller shutter modules which all operate and radio for their own.

Question for PLCLogo:

  • Do I need three things for each roller shutter? In my case this will result in 45 new things…
  • Am I correct that only one IP is used for the base device and not for the expansion modules? In my case I think I will need two base devices and some expansion modules, because the maximum digital outputs are 20, which will control 10 roller shutters.

Question 1
one for the actual Position of the Shutter
one for the commanded Position
one for the Trigger to Drive to the desired Position

Question 2
Yes only the Base device uses one IP
your are correct for the number of Devices you need.

Greetings Markus

Thank you for your response.
Just two more questions:

Are you still happy with this solution and can recommend it?
Are you maybe familiar with other technics which are worth to check apart of Z-Wave?

Yes i am still Happy.
Only after a Restart of Openhab sonetimes you have to press multiple times. I think if i put some items on restore on startup this wikl be fixed.
I can recommend it if you are willing to programm Siemens Logo.
I use two shellys for two Rollerschutter. Funktion is from the user side (my wife) the same.

Other than that i know off knx but with that i cant help