I bought a kwickset lock with 914TRL. I am using the zwave 2.4 binding and an aeotec zstick. On my first attempt I succesfully included the lock, it showed up under things in Paper UI. I quickly found that I could not controle it through my sitemap. I did some looking around and found a few things. I will share my understanding and I bope someone can help me fully understans.
I found the very long artical written Chris Jackson, sorry if this is the wrong auther, which explains that locks need to be secure included and to use habmin to do so. I looked in habmin and found that my lick was not secur included. I did the intial setup with paper ui and it was identified as node 2. I excluded the device and included it based on manufacturer instruction. Habmin found it as node4 but does not give any info, state that the binding may need to finish the install. Concerned I did it wrong I excluded and included it again, used habmin and got the sam results. No info for the device, just states it is node5.
So my questions are;
Does the lock need secure included with the zwave 2.4 binding?
Is habmin the way to do this?
Why is the latest inclusion not brining in the all of the lock info?
Is there a way to change the node value? I would like to keep the sequential rather than skipping node 3, 4 and 5 if I need to exclude and include again.
I hope I have provided enough info to answer my questions. If not let me know and I will try and get what you need.
Thanks for the response, the zstick does have a button to push and is the only way I know how to perform the inclusion. Could you elaberate on this or point me to a wright up on how to do this?
Go to PaperUI or HABmin, go to your Inbox (Things in HABmin), click on the plus sign, choose the zwave binding, inclusion starts.
For secure devices you have 15 seconds max to press the inclusion button on your device.
I got it, I don’t think I was excluding it properly because it continued to add the same node5 value each time I included it. Now it reads node6 and has the Using security with the green check. Now to see if I can get my code, or do is it called script here, correct.
I have gotten some of this to work. I can lock and unlock through both HABmin and Control under PaperUI.
I created these items:
Switch Z_Wave_Front_Door_Lock “Front Door Lock” [“Switchable”] { channel=“zwave:device:Zstick:node6:lock_door” }
Number Z_Wave_Front_Door_Lock “Battery [%.0f%%]” { channel=“zwave:device:Zstick:node6:battery-level” }
And a Sitmap:
Switch item=Z_Wave_Front_Door_Lock
It gives a basic ui that looks like this;
I can not control the lock from basicUI and the locked unlocked does not seam to change. I have read some posts about map transformation. Is this something I need to do to control the lock or am I missing something else. Please elaborate with the response as I am not understanding what the next steps are.
Sorry for the way the code pasted, I am not sure how others are doing it so nicely.
With Chrome there is some white space in the reply header which is where many of the “fences” are hiding. The “item fences” is visible just to left of that white space, but all of the others are not visible (rules, sitemap, javascript, code). You can hover your mouse in that area to find them and to use them. Just click on them even though they are not visible.
Thank you for all the responses, I have door lock that I can control for BasicUI but something strange has happened. I seam to have a duplicate lock and not sure how it got there or how to fix it. Both seem to operate the lock but only one updates at a time.
Simple mode will create items automatically. That explains where those other items are coming from. If you don’t want those items created automatically, you can disable simple mode.
Will having both items in HABmin and only one physical item cause problems? It seams to function fine for now. Is it possible to remove the item that was automatcly populated?
So… The lock works almost as expected. It does not update openhab when manually locked or unlocked. Looking into it shows that I need to some coding with the Alarm_raw. This also means that I need to use a transform.
I have been following the wright up, but do not fully under stand:
I have used PaperUI to install JSONPATH and MAP Transformation. I am confused by what the: MAP (lock.map) is and what I need to do to create it.
I have create an Item that looks like this
The wright up also talks about an import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil being at the top the rules. Does this mean the to of all the rules or the top of my lock rules? What is this import, why do I need it and how do I get it?
Also I have a list of alrarm_raw events, but I do not know where to place them.