Please help me understand zwave lock inclusion/exclusion and secure install

So… The lock works almost as expected. It does not update openhab when manually locked or unlocked. Looking into it shows that I need to some coding with the Alarm_raw. This also means that I need to use a transform.
I have been following the wright up, but do not fully under stand:

I have used PaperUI to install JSONPATH and MAP Transformation. I am confused by what the: MAP ( is and what I need to do to create it.
I have create an Item that looks like this

Group:Switch:OR(OFF,ON)    gLock    "Locks [MAP(]"    <lock>
Group    gLockRaw    "Locks (raw) [%s]"    <lock>
Switch    Z_Wave_Front_Door_Lock    "Lock (Front Entrance) [MAP(]"    <lock>    (gLock)    {channel="zwave:device:Zstick:node6:lock_door"}
String 	  Z_Wave_Front_Door_Lock_Alarm_Raw    "Lock (Front Entrance): Alarm Raw [%s]"    <shield>    (gLockRaw)    {channel="zwave:device:Zstick:node6:alarm_raw"}

The wright up also talks about an import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil being at the top the rules. Does this mean the to of all the rules or the top of my lock rules? What is this import, why do I need it and how do I get it?
Also I have a list of alrarm_raw events, but I do not know where to place them.

And always, any help or advise is appreciated.