Possible discrepency in JS Scripting documentation

I have been reading over the JavaScript Scripting documentation located at JavaScript Scripting - Automation | openHAB

On this webpage I found this: .changedSince(timestamp, serviceId) ⇒ Number which I interpret as calling that method (if that is the right term) returns a number. That doesn’t seem to be correct, it returns a boolean.
The documentation on the GitHub site ItemHistory - Documentation is correct, or at least different, as it states a boolean return.

Just wanted to give some feedback on the documentation, which I found to be very helpful.

If you have a GitHub account, scroll to the bottom of the documentation page which has the discrepancy and click on the link to edit it!

I don’t have a GitHub account, which is why I am mentioning it here.

The documentation in the openhab-js repo is the source (indirect) for the documenation website.

When the openhab-js maintainers will add the latest changes to the openhab-addon for jsscripting, the docs will get updated too automatically.