Problem building android app from source

Hi, I’ve problems building the android app from source.
I’m getting an exception: “ method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536”.

Has anyone manage to build the master version of habdroid without problems?

I have a fix that will allow me to build, but I’m not sure if that is a correct fix:
This commit also steps the android gradle plugin version to one that is accepted by newer android studio versions.
If it is a valid correction I can create a pull request.


I had the same error, adding
multiDexEnabled true resolve compilation problem.

We also should change extends of org.openhab.habdroid.core.HABDroid to to support older version of Android.

I prepared similar commit:

@maintainer - does anybody maintain android project? - I see only one @belovictor

That looks good, it would be nice if it can be merged into master. Then I can rebase my pull requests for fixing issue #153.