Hi all,
I hope you are all safe!
I figured out that I probably posted my initial post at the wrong place as I created a new thread about a month ago. Sorry.
Indedd, I have a little issue while trying to upgrade from 3.1.0.M1 to 3.1.0.M2, using the update.bat
Platform information:
Hardware: HP Desktop
OS: Win 10 64bits
Java Runtime Environment: JDK 11.0.9
openHAB version: 3.1.0.M1 milestone release
It donwloads well the new package, but then tell me I already have 3.1.0.M2 installed. I re-checked several times using Karaf, I’m still on 3.1.0.M1, and not M2 already.
If I answer yes, then I get a failure later on and it stops (and version remains 3.1.0.M1)
(can it be that do distinction is made on the windows update between an M1, M2 … and that all are considered as 3.1.0? would be surprising)
Update.ps1 does not manage properly milestones release (it manages stable releases & snapshot one, but not .Mx intermediate release). It considers M1 = M2 = Mx …
So message tells you that current version = new version, and that it will perform a REINSTALL & not an upgrade (so user could be afraid of that message, and honestley did not try answering “continue = Yes” with risk to loose all my customization).
Also, failure during backup is happening because max allowed length for a complete path + filename in Windows 10 is exceeded. To my specific example, by setting TEMP to “c:\temp” instead of “c:\users\Sebastien\local\temp”, then it worked.
So I managed to upgrade to 3.1.0.M3 by downgrading to 3.0.1 and then immediately upgrading to 3.1.0.M3.
I would recommend modifying the update.ps1 to fix at least management of milestones.