November 25, 2018, 10:35pm
how come this shows M5?
I thought that you are on Snapshots
can you try to upgrade to M6 ?
I don’t think that it will solve your problem but you never know
this smells like a UDP Socket Leak on behalf of the Anel binding
if (!switchLocked) {
// Format to switch on: Sw_on<nr><user><pwd>
// Format to switch off: Sw_off<nr><user><pwd>
// Example: Sw_on3adminanel
final String cmd = "Sw_" + (newState ? "on" : "off") + switchNr + user + password;
logger.debug("Sending to " + connector.host + ":" + connector.receivePort + " -> " + cmd);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred when sending UDP data to Anel device: " + cmd, e);
} else {
logger.debug("switch " + switchNr + " is locked, nothing sent.");
} else {
logger.debug("switch " + switchNr + " lock state not yet initialized, nothing sent.");