Problem with Fibaro CO sensor and Fibaro Wall Plug in OpenHAB2

you are right, according the pdf (Operating Manual) from above it only measures up to 450 ppm?! But on the other side according to e.g. and the table the value reported could be fine or at least is not implausible.

Also ZWAVE Debug has the same value:
2019-08-03 14:53:23.029 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - CoSensor01_CarbonMonoxideSensor changed from NULL to 3514

Zwave debug:

I hope simply the PDF is incorrect or they try to say above 450ppm the value in not too accurate anymore. No idea…

Regarding the high levels I am not sure why you would be interested unless you are making sure the atmosphere is dangerous. As to the other end of the scale there is a general issue with CO sensors. They do not actually detect WHO recommended levels of CO.

From a conversation regarding CO sensor with Fibaro.


[Posted May 8, 2017](

It was the note in the manual about this unit not protecting from long term low level so I decided to do a bit of research to see what that might be about. Think this explains potential risks this device does not protect you from.

I am guessing this is a general issue for all CO sensors. I will have to check out the ones I have installed.

"The World Health Organisation issued the following guidelines for levels of CO in the air, to prevent blood COHb levels from rising above 2.5%

  • 100 mg/m3 (87.1 ppm) for 15 minutes
  • 60 mg/m3 (52.3 ppm) for 30 minutes
  • 30 mg/m3 (26.1 ppm) for 1 hour
  • 10 mg/m3 (8.7 ppm) for 8 hours."

Alarm settings on Fibaro device 50ppm 60-90 minutes when WHO are setting 30 minutes as the length of exposure at this concentration. That is from 2 to 3* the recommended exposure time before the alarm sounds.

Can anyone from @Fibaro explain why the difference in these figures. Is it just that making a CO sensor to WHO levels is not possible? Have I lived under a false sense of security for my family for years using CO sensors? Are Fibaro just managing the same level as other sensors or is this below par?

Reply from Fibaro

Posted May 8, 2017

There are strict norms which device like this should maintain - as our CO Sensor will be certified we just must comply with them.

WHO issued quidelines, those are not norms.

To test CO detection in safe way you can use a candle and glass bowl - just light the candle, but it near CO Detector and cover both of them with a bowl.

I did then check other sensors on the market and Fibaro are not being disingenuous. Their sensor is normal and WHO levels are not achieved by any retail CO sensor I could find. The EU and US standards are both outside WHO levels.

Also another way to test your CO sensor than sticking it up your car exhaust. Almost as much fun.

I just installed 2 Fibaro CO Sensors and as the other people reported they are not working as expected at all. Did anyone manage to fix this?
I have also multiple Fibaro Smoke Sensors in use and they behave absolutely as expected.
I’m seeing the following issues:

  • No reporting of Tamper Alarm
  • CO Alarm does not switch back to off
  • no reporting of CO ppm (that might be OK as the levels are too low)

Configuration: I put only the Controller in the Lifeline Assosciation group, no other assosciation group
Device Firmware 3.2

When looking at the attached log it seems that all data is received but the other channels other than the CO channel are not correct in the database.

Any help here would be really appreciated.

fibaro_co.log (3.1 KB)