Issue of the topic: Problem with getting life360 working with mqtt openhab
ive read Life360 and MQTT multiple times
and tried many different things but i cant make it work
i keep getting the following message:
2019-02-14 14:05:00.072 [WARN ] [] - Execution failed (Exit value: -559038737. Caused by Cannot run program “/etc/openhab2/scripts/” (in directory “.”): error=13, Permission denied)
i used the same rules items and sitemap things from the Life360 and MQTT that Erkan Balci.
i think i miss something like publishing life360 messages to mqtt??
i have exec binding installed.
its my first time with using mqtt i have read a lot about it but i cant make i work.
What are the permissions for this file? Have you tried using sudo openhabian-config tool and selecting Apply Improvements, Fix Permissions? What mqtt binding version are you using?
i have not set special permissions for the file as i can remember. i just tried fix permissions and did a reboot afterwards.
im using binding-mqtt - 2.4.0
(after reboot still not working)
Check the permissions and owner of the files regarding scripts with ls -al /etc/openhab2/scripts. If your not sure what it should be then post the output of the command.
[20:46:21] openhabian@openHABianPi:~$ ls -al /etc/openhab2/scripts
total 16
drwxrwxr-x+ 2 openhab openhabian 4096 Feb 14 20:08 .
drwxrwxr-x+ 14 openhab openhabian 4096 Feb 8 22:38 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 openhab openhabian 2827 Feb 14 20:21
-rw-rw-r-- 1 openhab openhabian 236 Dec 17 09:01 readme.txt
so then after a quick google it should be
'-rwxrwxrwx' ?
i still can get the status of my life360 like locname, battery etc…
i have a item like
Switch PresenceW_i360Home “Wesley @ Home [%s]” {mqtt="<[mosquitto:owntracks/Wesley:state:JSONPATH($.locname):.*]"}
and my sitemap:
Text item=PresenceW_i360Home icon=“athome”
I dont understand how i can check the messages who are put on mqtt with the script.
Is there someone who struggled with this also?
I tried: mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -t owntracks/Wesley -d -u username -P password
but it seems that there is no connection to life360:
Client mosqsub/4903-openHABian sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub/4903-openHABian received CONNACK
Client mosqsub/4903-openHABian sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: owntracks/Wesley, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub/4903-openHABian received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosqsub/4903-openHABian sending PINGREQ
Client mosqsub/4903-openHABian received PINGRESP
Can someone please explain more detailed how they done this with creating channels linked to the items
with the generic mqtt thing?
or is there a more easy way to do this? like someone created a mqtt 2.4.0 version of the life360 thing??
what i have done now is created a channel:
MQTT state topic: owntracks
incoming value transformation: JSONPATH:$.owntracks.status.Wesley
i did this already but it doesn’t work.
this is what is in the shell script:
$mosquitto_pub -h $mqtt_host -p $mqtt_port -u $mqtt_user -P $mqtt_pass -t “owntracks/${firstName//”/}" -m “{“t”:“p”,“tst”:$(date +%s),“acc”:${accuracy//”/},"_type":“location”,“alt”:0,“lon”:${longitude//"/},“lat”:${latitude//"/},“batt”: ${battery//"/},“locname”: ${locationname//"/}}"
with the item that i used:
really dont know how to transform this in a working generic mqtt thing.
is there a way to insall the older mqtt 1.0 binding so this will work and how can this be done?
A other solution what i looked at was life360 status via ifttt to telegram binding but i dont no and havent found a solution how to read bot messages with openhab or something.
That would also be a good solution.